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  • ...many people the first signs of '''Akonadi''' activity will be in '''KDE SC 4.4''', and many will be confused by it. For a brief description of the purpos ...ontact''' will start up if you have any migrated resources (most likely '''KAddressBook'''). Use the ''Akonadi Tray icon'' (get this by typing "akonadi" into '''K ...
    27 KB (4,098 words) - 17:00, 13 February 2013
  • ...n pages should not have version numbers in their name (like [[KAddressBook 4.4]]). ...
    5 KB (833 words) - 08:02, 20 July 2023
  • Veel mensen zijn de eerste tekenen van'''Akonadi''' in '''KDE 4.4 SC''' en het zal velen verwarren. ...ontact''' opstart als u gemigreerde bronnen hebt; waarschijnlijk is dat '''KAddressBook'''. ...
    26 KB (3,848 words) - 16:54, 13 February 2013
  • ...e nye system. Mange vil støde på '''Akonadi''' for første gang i '''KDE SC 4.4''', og mange vil blive forvirrede over det. Se [[Special:myLanguage/Glossar ...''' kan starte, hvis du har overført nogle ressourcer (mest sandsynligt '''KAddressBook'''). Brug '''Akonadis''' ikon i statusområdet (som du får frem ved at skriv ...
    26 KB (4,060 words) - 16:49, 13 February 2013
  • .... Про велё хоснователїв перша стріча з роботов '''Akonadi''' буде в '''KDE 4.4''', і велё з них буде змятено роботов сістемы. Короткый опис призначчня ''' ...ідь ресурсы вашой системы были перетворены (найправдоподобнїше, ресурсы '''KAddressBook'''). Про зпущіня сервера хоснуйте піктоґрам сістемовой лишты '''Akonadi'''. ...
    28 KB (3,061 words) - 16:57, 13 February 2013
  • ...los primeros signos de actividad de '''Akonadi''' llegarán con '''KDE SC 4.4''', y muchos se sentirán confusos. Para ver una breve descripción del prop arrancar '''Kontact''' si tienes algún recurso migrado (posiblemente '''KAddressBook'''). Utiliza el icono ''Akonadi'' en la bandeja del sistema (para que apar ...
    28 KB (4,273 words) - 16:50, 13 February 2013
  • ...els primers signes d'activitat d' '''Akonadi''' van arribar amb '''KDE SC 4.4''', i molts se sentiran confusos. Per a veure una breu descripció del propò ...bans d'iniciar '''Kontact''' si teniu algun recurs migrat (possiblement '''KAddressBook'''). Utilitzeu la ''icona Akonadi en la safata del sistema'' (per que apare ...
    28 KB (4,177 words) - 16:40, 13 February 2013
  • ...rsone i primi segni di vita di '''Akonadi''' saranno visibili in '''KDE SC 4.4''' e molti saranno confusi al riguardo. Per una breve descrizione dello sco ...i '''Kontact''' se hai una qualsiasi risorsa migrata (più probabilmente '''KAddressBook'''). Utilizza l'''icona di Akonadi nel vassoio di sistema'' (ottenibile dig ...
    27 KB (3,848 words) - 16:53, 13 February 2013
  • ...algúns. Moita xente reparará en '''Akonadi''' por vez primeira na versión 4.4 da '''compilación de ''software'' de KDE''', e sentirase algo confusa. No ' ...grase xa algún recurso (probablemente '''[[Special:myLanguage/KAddressBook|KAddressBook]]'''). Utilice a '''icona de Akonadi na bandexa do sistema''' (que aparece ...
    29 KB (4,535 words) - 16:51, 13 February 2013
  • '''KDE Software Compilation 4.4:ssa ''' '''KAddressBookista''' tuli ensimmäinen ohjelma, joka käyttää '''Ak ...ny of the '''Akonadi'''-enabled applications, such as KMail, KOrganizer or KAddressbook. Such applications will not work when '''Akonadi''' is disabled using the s ...
    8 KB (1,211 words) - 07:05, 10 August 2024
  • ...błąd. Wielu ludzi po raz pierwszy spotkało się z '''Akonadi''' w '''KDE SC 4.4''' i było dla nich nowością. Krótkie wprowadzenie do '''Akonadi''' znajduje ...plikacją '''Kontact''', jeśli są dodane jakieś zasoby (głównie chodzi o '''KAddressBook'''). '''Akonadi''' można uruchomić klikając ikonę na tacce systemowej uprze ...
    26 KB (3,899 words) - 16:56, 13 February 2013
  • ...Більшість користувачів вперше зіткнуться з роботою '''Akonadi''' у '''KDE 4.4''', багато з них залишаться незадоволені роботою системи. Короткий опис при ...'', якщо ресурси вашої системи було перетворено (найімовірніше, ресурси '''KAddressBook'''). Для запуску сервера скористайтеся піктограмою системного лотка '''Akon ...
    42 KB (1,135 words) - 16:59, 13 February 2013
  • ...en wird es die ersten Anzeichen von '''Akonadi''' Aktivitäten in '''KDE SC 4.4''' geben und viele werden davon verwirrt werden. Für eine kurze Beschreibun ...n können, was schief gegangen ist. Dies betrifft hauptsächlich die Version 4.4.0. ...
    29 KB (4,207 words) - 17:45, 3 March 2019
  • In 4.4 and 4.5 these settings were moved to the main menu, <menuchoice>View -> Mes From version 4.4 you may have some '''Akonadi'''-controlled entries that also need to be kep ...
    42 KB (6,674 words) - 13:35, 7 October 2022
  • In 4.4 and 4.5 these settings were moved to the main menu, <menuchoice>View -> Mes From version 4.4 you may have some '''Akonadi'''-controlled entries that also need to be kep ...
    42 KB (6,678 words) - 13:34, 7 October 2022
  • In 4.4 and 4.5 these settings were moved to the main menu, <menuchoice>View -> Mes From version 4.4 you may have some '''Akonadi'''-controlled entries that also need to be kep ...
    42 KB (6,692 words) - 13:23, 8 October 2022
  • In 4.4 and 4.5 these settings were moved to the main menu, <menuchoice>View -> Mes From version 4.4 you may have some '''Akonadi'''-controlled entries that also need to be kep ...
    46 KB (7,216 words) - 13:33, 7 October 2022
  • In 4.4 and 4.5 these settings were moved to the main menu, <menuchoice>View -> Mes Seit Version 4.4 müssen auch einige '''Akonadi''' -kontrollierte Einträge gesichert werden. ...
    43 KB (6,770 words) - 13:36, 7 October 2022
  • I 4.4 og 4.5 er disse indstillinger flyttet til hovedmenuen, <menuchoice>Vis -> B Fra version 4.4 har du måske nogle ting, som kontrolleres af ''Akonadi'', og som også skal ...
    44 KB (7,059 words) - 13:22, 8 October 2022
  • En les versions 4.4 i 4.5 aquest arranjament s'ha mogut al menú principal, <menuchoice>Visualit Des de la versió 4.4 és possible que tingueu algunes entrades de '''Akonadi'''-controlled que ta ...
    47 KB (7,274 words) - 15:09, 8 October 2022
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