Search results
- ...|250px|KPlato Gantt view]]|| || ||'''Manage every detail of your project''' a step-by-step walk-through setting up and executing a project using '''KPlato'''. ...1 KB (140 words) - 03:58, 19 May 2024
- In this tutorial you will see an ''Engineering To Order'' project ''(ETO)'', typical for manufacturing companies working on medium machines o ...n phases, the first is related to the planning while the second is related to the executing and controlling. ...821 bytes (115 words) - 09:10, 17 April 2019
- ...|250px|KPlato Gantt view]]|| || ||'''Manage every detail of your project''' a step-by-step walk-through setting up and executing a project using '''KPlato'''. ...1 KB (136 words) - 05:23, 19 May 2024
- In this tutorial you will see an ''Engineering To Order'' project ''(ETO)'', typical for manufacturing companies working on medium machines o ...n phases, the first is related to the planning while the second is related to the executing and controlling. ...945 bytes (135 words) - 08:58, 11 April 2019
- |[[Image:Kplato_gantt.png|thumb|250px|KPlato Gantt view]]|| || ||<translate><!--T:1--> '''Manage every detail of your project'''</translate> ...1 KB (170 words) - 09:41, 13 April 2024
- |[[Image:Kplato_gantt.png|thumb|250px|KPlato Gantt view]]|| || ||'''Styr alle detaljer af dit projekt''' ...gang af, hvordan man opsætter og udfører et projekt skridt for skridt i '''KPlato'''. ...1 KB (135 words) - 04:52, 19 May 2024
- Nesse tutorial você verá ''Aplicando para Solicitar '' projeto ''(ETO, do inglês)'', típic Esse tutorial foi escrito usando o '''KPlato''' versão 0.9.84 rodando no Kubuntu versão 10.10 com KDE 4.5.1. E foi atual ...867 bytes (126 words) - 20:51, 10 February 2020
- |[[Image:Kplato_gantt.png|thumb|250px|KPlato Gantt view]]|| || ||'''Gestisci ogni dettaglio del tuo progetto'' ...configurazione passo-passo e all'esecuzione di un progetto utilizzando '''KPlato''' ...1 KB (173 words) - 04:59, 19 May 2024
- |[[Image:Kplato_gantt.png|thumb|250px|KPlato Gantt view]]|| || ||'''Szerkeszd a projected minden részletét!''' ...pésre mutatja be, hogyan tervezhető meg és hajtható végre egy projekt a '''KPlato''' használatával ...1 KB (201 words) - 04:25, 19 May 2024
- Denne vejledning blev lavet til '''KPlato''', men gælder stadig for '''Plan''': ...or skridt-gennemgang af, hvordan man opsætter og udfører et projekt med '''KPlato'''. ...2 KB (255 words) - 12:53, 3 October 2022
- |[[Image:Kplato_gantt.png|thumb|250px|KPlato Gantt view]]|| || ||'''Програма для докладного керування вашими п ...проекту]]: налаштування та стеження за виконанням проекту за допомогою '''KPlato''' ...2 KB (66 words) - 05:22, 19 May 2024
- Questa guida passo-passo è stata scritta per '''KPlato''', ma è ancora valida per '''Plan''': ...una guida passo-passo per impostare ed eseguire un progetto utilizzando '''KPlato'''. ...2 KB (276 words) - 14:28, 6 September 2020
- Вказаний нижче посібник було створено для '''KPlato''', але ним можна скористатися для роботи у '''Plan''': ...— покрокові настанови з налаштування та виконання проекту за допомогою '''KPlato'''. ...3 KB (85 words) - 17:11, 23 June 2021