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- In this tutorial you will see an ''Engineering To Order'' project ''(ETO)'', typical for manufacturing companies working on medium machines o ...n phases, the first is related to the planning while the second is related to the executing and controlling. ...821 bytes (115 words) - 09:10, 17 April 2019
- In this tutorial you will see an ''Engineering To Order'' project ''(ETO)'', typical for manufacturing companies working on medium machines o ...n phases, the first is related to the planning while the second is related to the executing and controlling. ...945 bytes (135 words) - 08:58, 11 April 2019
- Nesse tutorial você verá ''Aplicando para Solicitar '' projeto ''(ETO, do inglês)'', típic Esse tutorial foi escrito usando o '''KPlato''' versão 0.9.84 rodando no Kubuntu versão 10.10 com KDE 4.5.1. E foi atual ...867 bytes (126 words) - 20:51, 10 February 2020