Search results
- '''Zanshin'''帮助你组织和减少一个人在工作和个人生活中必须要做的事情的认知压力。你再也不会忘记任何事情了,即使你的头脑像水一样。 由于Zanshin是用可移植的Qt技术编写的,它可以在许多不同的操作系统上使用。你可以在这里找到[ 更多信息!] ...2 KB (43 words) - 23:02, 23 September 2022
- |[[Image:zanshin_screen.png|thumb|center|320px]]|| ||'''Zanshin is a powerful yet simple application for managing your day to day actions.' '''Zanshin''' helps you organize and reduce the cognitive pressure of what one has to ...2 KB (350 words) - 15:50, 30 January 2019
- |[[Image:zanshin_screen.png|thumb|center|320px]]|| ||'''Zanshin is a powerful yet simple application for managing your day to day actions.' '''Zanshin''' helps you organize and reduce the cognitive pressure of what one has to ...2 KB (350 words) - 17:23, 23 June 2021
- |[[Image:zanshin_screen.png|thumb|center|320px]]|| ||'''Zanshin is a powerful yet simple application for managing your day to day actions.' '''Zanshin''' helps you organize and reduce the cognitive pressure of what one has to ...2 KB (350 words) - 23:07, 23 September 2022
- |[[Image:zanshin_screen.png|thumb|center|320px]]|| ||'''Zanshin is a powerful yet simple application for managing your day to day actions.' '''Zanshin''' helps you organize and reduce the cognitive pressure of what one has to ...2 KB (382 words) - 15:43, 30 January 2019
- |[[Image:zanshin_screen.png|thumb|center|320px]]|| ||'''Zanshin er et kraftfuldt og dog simpelt program til at håndtere dine daglige gøremå '''Zanshin''' hjælper dig til at blive organiseret og reducere det kognitive pres fra ...2 KB (351 words) - 09:28, 12 July 2019
- |[[Image:zanshin_screen.png|thumb|center|320px]]|| ||'''Zanshin — потужна, але проста програма для керування вашим щоденним планом дій.''' '''Zanshin''' допоможе вам упорядкувати своє життя і не напружувати пам’ять, згадуючи, ...4 KB (51 words) - 13:13, 13 July 2019
- |[[Image:zanshin_screen.png|thumb|center|320px]]|| ||'''Zanshin est une application puissante mais simple pour gérer vos actions quotidienn '''Zanshin''' vous aide à organiser et à réduire la pression cognitive de ce que l'on ...3 KB (425 words) - 13:43, 26 February 2024