
From KDE UserBase Wiki
  • NVIDIA顯卡有自由的nv和私有的nvidia驅動程式。雖然KDE4在前者同樣運作的很好,但它不提供3D加速,因此後者可能是你唯一的選擇。多數的NVIDIA小節僅指私有的驅動程式(還有一個第三方的自由驅動程式叫nouveau)。由於授權限制大多數發行版預設情況下不安裝私有的驅動程式。請參閱您的發行版資訊有關如何安裝它。
    • Update: Nvidia has recently issued a new beta driver which is supposed to address most of the performance problems seen with KDE4. It can be downloaded in 64bit and 32bit versions. You need to add some options to your xorg.conf and enable certain feature at runtime, see this post on the NvNews forums for details. Note: Only install beta drivers if you know what you are doing.
    • Update 2: NVIDIA have released a new version 177.68 of beta drivers which fixes a couple of bugs and should improve performance with the KDE 4 OpenGL compositing manager. More info and downloads here. The latest beta version is 177.70 and it should enhance performance when dragging Plasma applets and fix some text rendering performance and corruptions. More info here.
    • Update 3: NVIDIA's 177.70 version of beta drivers has improved support for RENDER operations with the same source, and destination; this should enhance performance in some situations, e.g. when dragging Plasma applets in KDE4. More info here.
    • Update 4: NVIDIA's 177.80 version of beta drivers out here; some performance problem were fixed.
    • Update 5: NVIDIA's 180.08 version of beta drivers out here; some performance problem were fixed. Also check here for the latest version of beta drivers.