
From KDE UserBase Wiki
  • AMD/ATI显卡你也有几个选择。有自由的「ati」和「radeonhd」驱动程序在「ati」也称为「radeon」(没有「hd」),但我看过大多数的xorg驱动程序套件似乎把它称作「ati」)。大多数发行版似乎预设为「ati」,相容早期的 Radeons 显卡;「RadeonHD」,顾名思义,只支持 R500 和之后的显卡 - 零售型号为 X1300 和之后版本。基本上两者都可以正常运行在标准桌面,它们共享相同的 3D 程序代码在 mesa ,所以桌面效果应该是类似的(注意,R300之后的显卡3D支持被认为是不稳定,R600和之后版本是非常实验性的)。Nonetheless, if you have an X1300 or later card (i.e. one that should be supported by both drivers) and you run in to problems with one it may be worth trying out the other. You also have the option of trying the proprietary fglrx driver, though this has limited support for older cards - there's more on the AMD/ATI website about this option. Some distributions package this or have third party repos that package it and this is likely to be easier than downloading from AMD directly.