Translations:Lancelot/Discover Lancelot/31/zh-cn

From KDE UserBase Wiki
动作 快捷键 说明
Switch sections one by one Page Up and Page Down Shows previous and next section respectively
Switch to the specific section Alt + number Alt + 1 for Applications, Alt + 2 for Computer...
激活菜单项 Alt + 字母 如果某个菜单项的标题有字母下划线,便可按下 Alt 和字母激活。
Moving through list items Up and Down keys
Moving between columns Left and Right keys
激活选定的菜单项 Enter(回车) 如果没选定任何菜单项,便会执行第一个搜索出来的结果
打开当前选定菜单项的右键关联菜单 Alt + Enter(回车)
搜索框的匹配 Tab and End; Left and Right keys Tab and End keys use the whole suggestion while Left and Right move through the suggestion.