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<span id="Transitions"></span>
== 轉場==
== 轉場==

轉場負責管理 '''Kdenlive'''裡,如何從這一片切換到下一片. 你可以加增很多不同的轉場,經由 '''Kdenlive's''' 轉場.
In '''kdenlive''' a transition is a wipe or dissolve composition between two overlapping clips.

=== 如何加上一個轉場 ===
There are two ways of adding transitions in '''kdenlive''': '''Mix clips''', aka same tracks transitions, and the legacy way, which is transitions between clips on different tracks.

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Wipes are greyscale images in .pgm (Portable GreyMap) format, and during the transition the composition track will be displayed in the darkest areas of the wipe image first. If the wipe is inversed, the composition track will become visible in the brightest areas of the wipe image first instead. You can download more wipes (by clicking the download button in the wipe composition properties) or create your own  and load them by clicking the folder button.
[[File:Add transition1.png|thumb|center]]
To add a transition, adjust clips in the timeline so that the end of one overlaps the beginning of another.
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| [[File:Add transition2.png]] || 在時間軸上右鍵點擊重疊的點。選擇 <menuchoice>Add Transition</menuchoice> 然後選擇打開選單中其中一個轉場。
Then right-click in the timeline at the overlap point, select <menuchoice>Add Transition</menuchoice> , then choose one of the transitions from the flyout.
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參閱[[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/QuickStart#transition|QuickStart - transition]]
=== Mix Clips ===

=== Properties Tab (version >= 15.12)===
Since 20.12

In kdenlive version 15.12 the effect stack is merged with the "Transition" Tab to create a "Properties" window/tab.
[[File:Kdenlive_mixed_clip_800.png|left|frame|Kdenlive with mixed clips in the timeline. The toolbar button is circled with red, and the transition properties are on the right.]]
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The Properties window displays the settings for the effects on the currently selected clip (Figure 1) or the settings for the currently selected transition (Figure 2) depending on whether it is a clip or a transition that is currently selected.
{|class="tablecenter" style="border: 1px solid grey;"
[[File:Kdenlive selection param1.png|thumb|left|527px|Figure 1 - Properties when a clip with effects is selected]]
[[File:Kdenlive selection param2.png|thumb|left|527px|Figure 2 - Properties when a transition is selected]]
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If you select the transition in the timeline [[File:Transition on timeline.png]] its properties will appear in the '''Properties''' tab (Figure 2).

You should preview your transition to make sure it is running in the direction you expect. For example, if it is a Dissolve transition and it is running in the correct direction, then the first clip should dissolve into the second clip. But if it is in the wrong direction, the first clip will suddenly disappear (replaced by the second track). It will then fade back in and abruptly jump to second clip. If your transition is in the wrong direction, just select the Reverse check box in the Properties tab.
Mix Clips provides a way to add a transition between clips on the same track. To use it:

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# Ensure that there is at least half a second worth of frames at the end of both clips (outside the timeline clip). Without that, kdenlive will not apply the transition, but display an error message.
=== 轉場 頁籤 ===
# Select either clip. If there are clips in both ends of the one selected, the transition will be added nearest the playhead.

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Ready to add the transition:
當你選定了時間軸上的轉場 [[File:Transition on timeline.png]] 它的屬性頁會出現在 '''轉場''' 頁籤。 (假如這個屬性頁看不到,請使用 <menuchoice>View -> Transitions</menuchoice> 來進入。)

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* '''Keyboard:''' Press the <keycap>U</keycap> key.
[[File:Transitions List.png]]
* '''Mouse:''' double-click at the point where the clips meet. This does not require a clip to be selected.
* '''Toolbar:''' Press the Mix Clips button on the timeline toolbar
If the '''Transition''' dialog is not visible, use  <menuchoice>View -> Transition</menuchoice> to add it.

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The transition length defaults to one second equally distributed between the two clips. You can drag either end of the transition to adjust.
您須預覽一下轉場以確定它執行的方向是您所預期的。例如:假如您設定溶解(dissolve )轉場,然後執行的結果,正確方向應是第一段慢慢溶解後接到第二段。但是,當方向錯誤時,第一段將突然消失(被第二軌取代掉)。它會先消失掉而且突兀地掉到第二段。 假如您的轉場效果方向錯誤,只要選<menuchoice>Reverse</menuchoice> 勾選盒,在 '''Transition''' 頁籤.

=== 如果點一下來產生一個過場 ===
The default transition is dissolve, but you can select (click) the transtion and edit the wipe method and properties as desired in the effect/transition stack window.

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The composition method is set to Luma, and it does not make sense to change that, since there will not really be a transition. Other methods are meant for compositing two videos, not transitioning between them.
產生兩個重疊一部分的短片軌之間的過場效果有一個簡便做法。假如你輕滑滑鼠到時間軸上的重疊區域,這時有一個綠三角會出現。點擊它,會在兩短片軌上放上一個消失(dissolve )過場。

In Version 17.04 you hover the mouse over the lower grey rectangle that appears at the end of the clips on the timeline and a tool tip will appear saying "Click to add Transition". If you click a dissolve transition will be automatically added.
* Select the desired wipe from Wipe Method
* The Reverse option reverses the transtion.
* The Softness slider will affect the edges of wipe transtions.
* Set the desired duration
* Since 21.08: select the alignment of the transition, either left, centered (default) or right.

To delete the transition, select it and press the delete key.

Older Versions:
{{Tip|To apply only transitions on either the video or audio track just lock the track on which you don’t want a transition to be applied and add transitions by one of the above ways on the other track.}}
If you hover the mouse over the overlapping region on the timeline, a green triangle will appear. Clicking this adds a dissolve transition between the tracks.

=== Transitions between clips on different tracks ===
<span id="Automatic Transitions"></span>
=== 自動化過場 ===

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This is the legacy way of doing transitions in '''kdenlive'''.
一般而言,新過場都是經由 "Automatic Transitions"產生的。意謂著如果您調整兩重疊片段的轉場,那麼轉場效果的出現長度會自動延伸到含蓋重疊的區域。

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[[File:Kdenlive_transitions_legacy_god.png|frame|left|To the left the purple one-click circle to add a wipe composition. In the middle the composition bar, and on the right the properties.]]
您可以把轉場裏的這個特性關閉。請點這個轉場並選擇 [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Clip_Menu#Automatic_Transition|Automatic Transition]] 源自於 <menuchoice>Clip</menuchoice> 選單。當自動轉場( Automatic transition )關閉,您移動其中一段短片,改變法重疊的區域,這時轉場的播放時間不會自動調整。

Transitions will be created with the Automatic transition property set to true by default if the  [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Timeline/Editing#Automatic_Transitions|Automatic Transitions Button]] is active.
When Automatic Transition is off and you move a clip to change the overlapping region, then the length of the transition does not automatically adjust.
=== Mixing titles, images and Videos with Transitions ===
{{#ev:youtube|f6VHlOZutm8|500|left|Image and Title Layers Transparency Tutorial - qubodupl/Open Source Bug}}
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To add a transition,
=== 轉場效果一覽表 ===
{{#ev:youtube|M8hC5FbIzdE|428|center|Keyframe Animation - Linuceum}}
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=== List of Transitions ===
# Adjust your clips so that they overlap.
# hold the mouse wheel over the top clip bottom corner, and click the purple circle appearing (the status bar will say "Click to add a composition"), or alternatively right-click either clip and select <menuchoice>Insert a composition | Wipe</menuchoice>

請參閱 [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Effects_And_Transitions|Effects and Transitions]] 按字母順序排列的特效及轉場。
The default transition is a dissolve, to change that select (click) the composition bar to show the effect/composition stack window.

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The transition, when added this way, will cover the overlapping area between the clips.
可參閱 [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/alpha_operation_transitions|alpha operation transitions]] 各種各樣的alpha 動作型態(operation type)的轉場 (addition, addition_alpha, alphaatop, alphain, alphaout, alpha over and alphaxor) .

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You can:  
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/addition|addition]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/addition_alpha|addition_alpha]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/Affine|Affine]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/alphaatop|alphaatop]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/alphain|alphain]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/alphaout|alphaout]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/alpha over|alpha over]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/alphaxor|alphaxor]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/blend|blend]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/burn|burn]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/color_only|color_only]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/Composite|Composite]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/darken|darken]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/difference|difference]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/Dissolve|Dissolve]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/dodge|dodge]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/grain_extract|grain_extract]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/hardlight|hardlight]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/Hue|Hue]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/lighten|lighten]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/multiply|multiply]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/overlay|overlay]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/Regionalize|Regionalize]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/Saturation|Saturation]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/screen|screen]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/Slide|Slide]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/softlight|softlight]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/UV Map|UV Map]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/value|value]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/Wipe|Wipe]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/Xfade0r|Xfade0r]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/addition_alpha|addition_alpha]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/Affine|Affine]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/alphaatop|alphaatop]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/alphain|alphain]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/alphaout|alphaout]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/alphaover|alphaover]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/alphaxor|alphaxor]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/burn|burn]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/Cairo Affine Blend|Cairo Affine Blend]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/Cairo Blend|Cairo Blend]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/color_only|color_only]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/Composite|Composite]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/CompositeAndTransform|Composite and transform]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/darken|darken]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/difference|difference]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/Dissolve|Dissolve]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/dodge|dodge]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/grain_extract|grain_extract]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/hardlight|hardlight]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/Hue|Hue]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/lighten|lighten]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/lighten|Matte]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/multiply|multiply]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/overlay|overlay]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/Region|Region]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/Saturation|Saturation]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/screen|screen]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/Slide|Slide]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/softlight|softlight]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/subtract|subtract]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/UV Map|UV Map]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/value|value]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/VideoQuality Measurement|Video Quality Measurement]]
# [[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Transitions/Wipe|Wipe]]

=== 常見問答 ===
* Select a composition track. The default is "Automatic" which is likely the correct choice in this case.
* Select a wipe.
* Enable Inverse to inverse the wipe.
* Enable Revert to revert the order of the videos in the transition (which you probably do not want).

Q: 如何新增一個十字漸失特效 ?
If you move or adjust your clips after adding the transition, you need to refit it manually if desired. You can drag the entire transition with the select tool, and adjust its duration by dragging either end.
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A: 把兩個短片軌重疊一些時間,把位於下面短片的一角開啟的綠點拉一下開出 (請參閱[[Special:myLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/QuickStart#transition|Transition]]).

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| prevpage=Special:MyLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Effects_And_Transitions | nextpage=Special:MyLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Effects
| prevtext=Alphabetical list of Effects and Transitions | nexttext=Effects
| prevtext=Alphabetical List of Effects and Transitions | nexttext=Effects
| index=Special:MyLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual | indextext=Back to menu
| index=Special:MyLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual | indextext=Back to menu


Latest revision as of 13:05, 15 August 2023


In kdenlive a transition is a wipe or dissolve composition between two overlapping clips.

There are two ways of adding transitions in kdenlive: Mix clips, aka same tracks transitions, and the legacy way, which is transitions between clips on different tracks.

Wipes are greyscale images in .pgm (Portable GreyMap) format, and during the transition the composition track will be displayed in the darkest areas of the wipe image first. If the wipe is inversed, the composition track will become visible in the brightest areas of the wipe image first instead. You can download more wipes (by clicking the download button in the wipe composition properties) or create your own and load them by clicking the folder button.

Mix Clips

Since 20.12

Kdenlive with mixed clips in the timeline. The toolbar button is circled with red, and the transition properties are on the right.

Mix Clips provides a way to add a transition between clips on the same track. To use it:

  1. Ensure that there is at least half a second worth of frames at the end of both clips (outside the timeline clip). Without that, kdenlive will not apply the transition, but display an error message.
  2. Select either clip. If there are clips in both ends of the one selected, the transition will be added nearest the playhead.

Ready to add the transition:

  • Keyboard: Press the U key.
  • Mouse: double-click at the point where the clips meet. This does not require a clip to be selected.
  • Toolbar: Press the Mix Clips button on the timeline toolbar

The transition length defaults to one second equally distributed between the two clips. You can drag either end of the transition to adjust.

The default transition is dissolve, but you can select (click) the transtion and edit the wipe method and properties as desired in the effect/transition stack window.

The composition method is set to Luma, and it does not make sense to change that, since there will not really be a transition. Other methods are meant for compositing two videos, not transitioning between them.

  • Select the desired wipe from Wipe Method
  • The Reverse option reverses the transtion.
  • The Softness slider will affect the edges of wipe transtions.
  • Set the desired duration
  • Since 21.08: select the alignment of the transition, either left, centered (default) or right.

To delete the transition, select it and press the delete key.


To apply only transitions on either the video or audio track just lock the track on which you don’t want a transition to be applied and add transitions by one of the above ways on the other track.

Transitions between clips on different tracks

This is the legacy way of doing transitions in kdenlive.

To the left the purple one-click circle to add a wipe composition. In the middle the composition bar, and on the right the properties.

To add a transition,

  1. Adjust your clips so that they overlap.
  2. hold the mouse wheel over the top clip bottom corner, and click the purple circle appearing (the status bar will say "Click to add a composition"), or alternatively right-click either clip and select Insert a composition | Wipe

The default transition is a dissolve, to change that select (click) the composition bar to show the effect/composition stack window.

The transition, when added this way, will cover the overlapping area between the clips.

You can:

  • Select a composition track. The default is "Automatic" which is likely the correct choice in this case.
  • Select a wipe.
  • Enable Inverse to inverse the wipe.
  • Enable Revert to revert the order of the videos in the transition (which you probably do not want).

If you move or adjust your clips after adding the transition, you need to refit it manually if desired. You can drag the entire transition with the select tool, and adjust its duration by dragging either end.