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The information on this page may be of interest for historical reasons but you should visit the download page of the Kdenlive Web site for up to date information on installing Kdenlive. (Aug 2017)

Instalar paquetes binarios

La mayoría de las distribuciones de GNU/Linux proporcionan paquetes binarios recientes de Kdenlive que se pueden instalar desde su Administrador de Paquetes. Sin embargo, en algunos casos es posible encontrar versiones más recientes en repositorios privados.

This page at the Kdenlive home has instructions on how to source these more recent versions, depending on which flavour of Linux you run. Instructions for Debian, Fedora, Gentoo, OpenSUSE, Slackware and Ubuntu are available.

As of May 2015, obtaining and installing the latest version of Kdenlive has gotten a little complicated. Development of Kdenlive up to this point has used a technology known as KDE Frameworks 4. And the last stable release using this technology is version 0.9.10, released 25th September 2014.
To use this you need to have recent versions of frei0r, Kdenlive , mlt and libvidstab, e.g.:

  • frei0r = 1.4.0+git20140826.72e51041
  • Kdenlive = 0.9.10
  • mlt = 0.9.3+git20141005.22abed67
  • libvidstab=2:0.98b

Desde junio de 2015, esta PPA tiene la versión 0.9.10 de Kdenlive, 1.4.0 de Frei0r y 0.9.3 de melt.

Development of Kdenlive has now switched to a new version of the KDE Frameworks called KF5 (KDE Frameworks 5). To install versions of Kdenlive using this underlying technology, you need to be on a Linux distribution which supports KF5. Ubuntu and its derivatives versioned 15.04 and higher support KF5. It is not possible to install KF5 on distributions earlier than 15.04 (except by chrooting your system). Versions using KF5 are distributed by the Kubuntu-CI Team. The sunab ppa (see below) now also distributes KF5 versions.
Version numbers of the KF5 flavour start at 15.04.0.
This author recommends using the sunab ppa to install Kdenlive rather than the Kubuntu-CI Team because the Kubuntu-CI Team PPA has many other packages in it which will attempt to uprade all sorts of things on your system—with the potential of breaking it.


El proyecto Debian ha estado lanzando paquetes Kdenlive desde el lanzamiento de "squeeze". Sin embargo, para beneficiarse de las últimas actualizaciones y correcciones de errores, usted podría considerar la actualización a una versión "pruebas" o incluso "sid"

Once your package management tool is pointed at an appropriate release, a simple apt install kdenlive should then work.

El PPA de sunab (ver más abajo) no es recomendable para Debian porque Debian usa una capa lib diferente para multiarch (referencia: este post de vpinon).

Ubuntu and derivatives

Ubuntu also has offered Kdenlive since "gutsy" (7.10). However, to benefit from recent updates and bugfixes, you should consider upgrading to the latest release.

ppa:kdenlive/kdenlive-master is the development branch, with the very latest features additions.

ppa:kdenlive/kdenlive-testing is the feature-frozen branch, starting from the first beta, with bugfix updates as soon as solutions are found

ppa:kdenlive/kdenlive-stable is the last robust official release

Not all the packages in the ppa are necessary. Install or upgrade the following to get a 15.04 release (version numbers as at 13 July 2015)

  • kdenlive (15.04.2-0ubuntu0-~sunab~vivid4)
  • kdenlive-data (15.04.2-0ubuntu0-~sunab~vivid4)
  • libmlt++3 (0.9.6-0ubuntu0~sunab~vivid1)
  • libmlt-data (0.9.6-0ubuntu0~sunab~vivid1)
  • libmlt6 (0.9.6-0ubuntu0~sunab~vivid1)
  • libvidstab1.0 (2:0.98b-0ubuntu0~sunab~vivid1)
  • melt ( 0.9.6-0ubuntu0~sunab~vivid1)

Non-Kubuntu users will need to install the kde-runtime package to fix missing buttons and icons.

Fedora, RedHat y derivados

RPM packages are not yet maintained in an official branch, so you must go through an unofficial repository such as RPM Fusion or packman (Has ver 15.12.0 29 Dec 2015). Follow the site's recommendations to make them available and end with yum install kdenlive.

Gentoo, Arch y BSD

Hay scripts listos para actualizar sistemas, así ejecute respectivamente emerge kdenlive o pacman -S kdenlive o pkg_add kdenlive, etc.


The first Windows version of Kdenlive (v16.12.1) is available for download here. Read the installation instructions for Windows.

Alternatively you could try and use some virtualized Linux distribution to run Kdenlive on Windows. Some advice can be found on this page.

También hay un proyecto kdenlive en win en SourceForge que "consiste en una imagen para VirtualBox de Ubuntu que viene preconfigurada para correr Kdenlive". La última actualización del proyecto fue en 2012-08-09.


Kdenlive y MLT se pueden compilar y correr en Mac OS X. Los paquetes se encuentran disponibles desde el proyecto MacPorts.

MacPorts es un sistema &mdash basado en el código fuente; no hay un paquete binario de aplicación para 'Kdenlive. Por lo tanto, 'Kdenlive' y todas sus numerosas dependencias, incluidas las bibliotecas multimedia, KDE y Qt, se deben compilar. ¡Esto puede llevar mucho tiempo y mucho espacio en el disco! Además, no es raro que algo no funcione correctamente; definitivamente no es algo para el principiante, impacientes o "débiles de corazón".

Usted podría obtener algún éxito con el soporte para MacPort de Kdenlive en el foro de Mac Ports en MacOS Forge.

Instalación desde el código fuente

Si desea probar el último código o sus parches personales, tendrá que construir 'Kdenlive' (y, probablemente, 'MLT' ) por su propia cuenta.

Details on how to compile and install Kdenlive from source are available on the Community wiki.

Usted puede utilizar el procedimiento de creación de paquetes de su distribución para usar su sistema de gestión de software con el fin de instalar/actualizar/eliminar los binarios y los datos, y eventualmente compartir sus builds (e incluso contribuir al paquete de mantenimiento). Consulte el manual de la distribución respectiva.

If you prefer you can build & install Kdenlive to a local area (preferably not /usr, but rather /usr/local or $HOME/my_local_builds/kdenlive-last-release or similar). You could try using this build script to build the latest version from the sources. Or you could use the this build script to build kdenlive ver 0.9.10 [1] (Follow the instructions under "show kdenlive". These instructions will build Kdenlive and its dependancies [e.g. melt, ffmpeg] in a "sandbox").

Installing from pre-built binary packages

Kdenlive now offers pre-build binary packages deployed using Appimage technology - see Appimage section on the download page of the Kdenlive web site.

These install files are hosted at http://files.kde.org/kdenlive/ where you will find a release folder and an unstable folder The release folder contains binary builds of the current stable version of Kdenlive.

Windows Versions are in 7zip format archives with file names of the form


For installation instructions for windows see the download page.

Linux Appimage versions are in file names of the form


To run the AppImage versions simply make the downloaded file executable (chmod +x) and run it (./Kdenlive-17.04.1b-x86_64.AppImage)

Pre-built binary packages are often an easy solution if you are having troubles with your install and can be preferable to building your own because you don't need to install a build environment.

The pre-built AppImage version and your main version of Kdenlive can live simultaneously on your machine so you can test new and possibly unstable versions without breaking the main version of Kdenlive on your system.

A downside is that these packages have been built with a version of ffmpeg that only has the free video codecs. The type of files you can render your video to is limited. Choosing the Theora profile in the Web Sites rendering destination does work.

Kdenlive pre built binaries currently only supports 64 bit operating systems

  1. on distributions older than Debian 6 or Ubuntu 10.04 and derivatives, you need to set ENABLE_SWFDEC=0 in the config variables of the script. Modify the INSTALL_DIR in the script to something like INSTALL_DIR="$HOME/my_local_builds/kdenlive-last-release" to make it match where you want this local build to install.