Moving this page from techbase, because it seems like the right place.
KDE4 Issues
- Cannot set khotkeys for media keys on logitech keyboard
- khotkeys is "in a bit of a broken state" no known workarounds
- Startup sound starts playing fine, and then gets cutoff
- Phonon sometimes gives weird sound failing message
- Surround sound does not work at all. Conflicting instructions on how to set this up, but no settings in KDE4 anywhere that I can see
- Kaffeine and Flash appear to be stealing Xine from each other
- (Kaffeine is working on a KDE4 release coming soon. Dragon player doesn't work/has no settings)
- Flash loses sound randomly after running Kaffeine (KDE3 version) or Amarok (KDE4 Nightly)
- Dolphin has no right-click extract options ark can't handle this?
- Konversation opens links in some strange Gnome "Web Browser", even though I have specified an absolute path to Firefox in System Settings>Default Applications
- Numlock unsets every restart!
- There is no 'show desktop' icon on the kicker. Can I add one? Where?
- Hide cursor when zoomed in
- Ability to close windows when running the Expose-like "Present Windows"
- Shortcut to hide/show all desktop plasmoids (except "sticky ones")
- Per screen wallpaper Bug 155150
- Session saving button gone can be done via command line though
- There is no way to hide systray icons