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Archive talk:Plasma/FAQ/4.1

From KDE UserBase Wiki
Revision as of 11:00, 22 September 2008 by Mxttie (talk | contribs) (application shortcuts in panel)

This page has a lot of good information but it is laid out as a FAQ. Consequently it is rather long and unstructured. I think that it would be good to have a shorter, structured entry linking to other entries for specifics (eg KRunner, desktop containments).

Perhaps this page could be kept but moved to Plasma_FAQ.

I have started creating smaller articles on parts of plasma, such as Plasma application launchers.

- maninalift

It used to be a FAQ, actually. It was historically developed as a means to stop the trolls by giving answers to common questions. I wouldn't mind restructuring the document, however I can do big edits only in weekends.

--Einar 18:02, 10 September 2008 (UTC)

Fedora has finally got 4.1 onto the mirrors, so there are going to be a lot of questions about Plasma, as more people try it for the first time.

I was totally baffled when I first saw it, so I gathered together a list of things that I had intended to be an Introduction to Plasma page - not as it stands, but to use for inspiration. I have it on googledocs.

Would it be helpful at all to give you access to that? I'll need your email addresses, if so (send to annew at kde dot org). --annew 11:02, 11 September 2008 (UTC)

Hi, I think it would be nice to mention something about placing application shortcuts in the panel (aka like quicklaunch applet used to do). is it possible, if yes, how to do it? :) (I think the current solution is to use 3rd party quicklauncher plasmoid?)

--mxttie 11:00, 22 September 2008 (UTC)