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Revision as of 13:42, 13 January 2010 by Fpuelz (talk | contribs) (Nicer 'note')

Template:I18n/Language Navigation Bar



KUIViewer is a tool to display and check user interface (.ui) files created in Qt Designer.


  • View user interface (.ui) files created in Qt Designer
  • Quickly change the widget style


KUIViewer usually is not installed by default, so it has to be installed manually. KUIViewer is part of the kdesdk-package. Once installed you can find it under K-Menu -> Development -> GUI Development -> KUIViewer, or start it with KRunner (Alt+F2) typing 'kuiviewer'.

Using KUIViewer

After starting KUIViewer an almost empty window opens. Click Open in the toolbar or use the menu File -> Open... to open a user interface file. You can resize the window to see how the layout of the opened user interface adjusts itself. The interfaces can be shown in a variety of different widget styles to ensure that they display correctly in any environment. To change the widget style of the displayed user interface you can use the combobox in the toolbar or use the menu View -> Style. Choose a style to see how the opened user interface looks like with that style.

Note You cannot edit user interfaces with KUIViewer. For that purpose you should use Qt Designer, there is a tutorial in Techbase: Using Qt Designer.