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Revision as of 10:17, 3 December 2010 by Loquehumaine (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Kanagram''' mélange les lettres d'un mot (créant un anagramme), et vous devez deviner quel est le mot.")

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Kanagram est un jeu d'ordonnancement de lettres basé sur les anagrammes.

Il fait partie du projet d'éducation KDE.

Kanagram mélange les lettres d'un mot (créant un anagramme), et vous devez deviner quel est le mot.

Kanagram features several built-in word lists, hints, and a cheat feature which reveals the original word. It also has a vocabulary editor, so you can make your own vocabularies, and distribute them through Kanagram's KNewStuff download service.

Kanagram has a neat user interface which is reasonable even for younger children.


  • Built in word lists
  • Hints and cheat help system
  • Word list editor
  • Wordlist distribution via KNewStuff
  • Scalable user interface appropriate for children


Kanagram shows a hint.
Word list editor of Kanagram.
Downloading new stuff for Kanagram.
