Kdenlive/Підручник/Меню «Монтажний стіл»/Доріжки

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Revision as of 20:00, 6 March 2020 by Yurchor (talk | contribs) (Created page with "===== Основні ефекти =====")
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Підменю «Доріжки» меню «Монтажний стіл»

Підменю для вставлення або вилучення доріжок також можна відкрити клацанням правою кнопкою миші на заголовку доріжки (будь-де, окрім назви доріжки).

Основні ефекти

Let user quickly apply audio or video effects to all tracks. This can be useful if you want one or more effects to be applied throughout the video.

Insert Track
Dialog-Kdenlive Insert Track

Displays a dialog which lets you choose which type of track to insert and where — before or after a specified existing track.

Delete Track
Dialog-Kdenlive Delete Track

Displays a dialog which lets you choose which track to delete.

Select All in Current Track

Selects all clips in the current track.

Select All

Selects all clips in all tracks.


Cancels the selection.

Toggle Track Lock

Disables or allows editing on the selected track.

Toggle All Track Lock

Disables or allows editing on all tracks.

Toggle Track Target

Click to toggle track as target. Target tracks will receive the inserted clips.

Toggle Track Аctive

Click to make track active/inactive. Active tracks will react to editing operations.