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From KDE UserBase Wiki
Revision as of 09:41, 24 June 2023 by Kpi (talk | contribs)

Unban KEMONO_PANTSU now. She has gotten her 286 accounts on 114 platforms banned for no valid reason. Account list: https://controlc.com/afd584e3

She has also been listed on the lists below for no valid reason. ``` metasmoke - #kemono-pantsu-spam-wave: https://metasmoke.erwaysoftware.com/domains/tags/4291?page=6&what=posts Wikipedia - 進行中の荒らし行為: https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:VIP#KEMONO_PANTSU ```

Number of accounts banned on each website ``` Phorge: 32 Wikimedia Foundation - Global lock: 24 Japanese Wikipedia: 13 Stack Exchange - Network-wide: 13 Wikimedia Phabricator: 11 teratail: 11 MediaWiki: 9 Portal Unofficial Wiki: 7 Meta Stack Exchange: 6 Meta-Wiki: 6 Stack Overflow: 5 Gaia Online: 4 Japanese Wikivoyage: 4 Mathematics Stack Exchange: 4 Wikipedia: 4 Japanese Wiktionary: 3 Medium: 3 Physics Stack Exchange: 3 Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange: 3 Tripadvisor: 3 Wikitech: 3 Wikitravel: 3 Wiktionary: 3 Worldbuilding Stack Exchange: 3 Academia Stack Exchange: 2 Armor Games: 2 Drupal Answers: 2 Italian Wikipedia: 2 Kongregate: 2 Qiita: 2 Stack Exchange Chat: 2 Unix & Linux Stack Exchange: 2 Warframe Forums: 2 Wikibooks: 2 Wikidata: 2 Wikimedia Incubator: 2 Wikispecies: 2 Wikiversity: 2 Wikivoyage: 2 教えて!goo: 2 3D Printing Stack Exchange: 1 Amateur Radio Stack Exchange: 1 Amino: 1 Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange: 1 Anime & Manga Stack Exchange: 1 Anime UK News Forums: 1 AnimeBase: 1 Appropedia: 1 Arabic Wikipedia: 1 Arqade - Stack Exchange: 1 Artificial Intelligence Stack Exchange: 1 Ask Different - Stack Exchange: 1 Ask Ubuntu: 1 Astronomy Stack Exchange: 1 Aviation Stack Exchange: 1 Bioinformatics Stack Exchange: 1 Bitcoin Stack Exchange: 1 Cebuano Wikipedia: 1 Chess Stack Exchange: 1 Code Golf Stack Exchange: 1 Code Review Stack Exchange: 1 Combine OverWiki: 1 Cross Validated - Stack Exchange: 1 Dutch Wikipedia: 1 Egyptian Arabic Wikipedia: 1 Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange: 1 Enpedia: 1 Fake Japanese Wikipedia - jaatd63804.rakkoserver.net: 1 Fanlore: 1 French Wikipedia: 1 GameFAQs: 1 GameSpot: 1 German Wikipedia: 1 German Wikivoyage: 1 Giant Bomb: 1 Information Security Stack Exchange: 1 Japanese Language Stack Exchange: 1 Japanese Wikiquote: 1 Japanese Wikitravel: 1 Korean Wikipedia: 1 LocalWiki: 1 Magento Stack Exchange: 1 Mathematica Stack Exchange: 1 Meta Stack Overflow: 1 Minecraft Wiki - Fandom: 1 Music: Practice & Theory Stack Exchange: 1 MyAnimeList: 1 OpenStreetMap: 1 OpenStreetMap Wiki: 1 Photography Stack Exchange: 1 Pokémon Wiki - Fandom: 1 Polish Wikipedia: 1 Radiopaedia: 1 Reddit: 1 Salesforce Stack Exchange: 1 Server Fault: 1 Spanish Wikipedia: 1 Super User: 1 Swedish Wikipedia: 1 TV Tropes: 1 Test Wikidata: 1 Test Wikipedia: 1 Test2 Wikipedia: 1 Wikimania: 1 Wikimedia API Portal: 1 Wikimedia Commons: 1 Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki: 1 Wikimedia Outreach: 1 Wikinews: 1 Wikiquote: 1 Wikisource: 1 Wikispore: 1 Wikitravel Shared: 1 WordPress Development Stack Exchange: 1 ```