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Translations:Apper/Page display title/shi-latn
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{|class="tablecenter vertical-centered"
|[[Image:Apper-window.png|250px|thumb|Click to enlarge]]
|'''A graphical tool to manage your packages'''
{|class="tablecenter vertical-centered"
|[[Image:Apper-window.png|250px|thumb|Click to enlarge]]
|'''A graphical tool to manage your packages'''
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If you know the name of the package, you can simply type that into the ''search bar'' - the default is to find by name.
{{Note|Searches are slow, as the package database has to be queried - both your local one and the database of each repo. You will find that working while it does that is slow.}}
Suppose, though, you need suggestions for suitable packages. This time you would choose to <menuchoice>Find by Description</menuchoice>. For instance, entering "flac" into the search term then selecting <menuchoice>Find by Description</menuchoice> you would be presented with all packages that are related to the use of flac files. Installed packages are marked by a {{Icon|dialog-ok-apply}} to the left of the package name.
[[Image:Apper-window1.png|250px|thumb|center|Apper's main window showing a description of the selected package]]
So - you have a list of suitable packages. Click on one of them and a panel opens giving you a description of the package. Clicking the <menuchoice>More...</menuchoice> button you get three other options to display - a list of dependencies (which will be automatically handled if you choose to install), a list of applications that depend upon the package you choose and a list of files included in the package.
[[Image:Apper-window2.png|250px|thumb|center|Apper's main window showing package dependencies]]
When you click on a package a button turns up to the right of it. If the package is not installed already you will see an <menuchoice>Install</menuchoice> button; clicking it will mark the package for installation. If the package is already installed you will see a <menuchoice>Remove</menuchoice> button; clicking it will mark the package for removal.
Having found the application that is best for you, click the <menuchoice>Install</menuchoice> button. Now, when you click the <menuchoice>Apply</menuchoice> button your package will be installed.
On '''Apper's''' main page you click the <menuchoice>Updates</menuchoice> icon to open the settings page to check, if any package installed by '''Apper''' needs updating. As before, the ''repos'' and your installation are queried, so there is a delay. Again, dependencies are resolved when you agree to the download.
On '''Apper's''' main page you click the {{Icon|settings-menu}} icon and select <menuchoice>Settings</menuchoice> to open the '''Apper''' settings page.
In the <menuchoice>General settings</menuchoice> tab you can set the frequency of checking for updates, according to your need. The default is <menuchoice>Daily</menuchoice>, but for an ultra-secure site you could choose <menuchoice>Hourly</menuchoice>, and for a lightly used one you can have <menuchoice>Weekly</menuchoice> or <menuchoice>Monthly</menuchoice> frequency.
Next is whether you want updates to be installed automatically. A nice touch is to be able to say that security updates should be automatically installed, but no other packages.
{{Note|1=In the <menuchoice>Software Origins</menuchoice> tab you can configure the repositories used by '''Apper'''. More information on this tab is needed.}}
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