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'''The KDE Text-To-Speech System, {{Jovie}}'''
{{OldName|KTTS|Jovie|3.5}} <!-- Translators: this template should be translated. The template {{Jovie}} should not, unless you normally translate app names -->
== Features ==
* Converts text into audio * Highly Configurable ** Substitute misspoken words ** Choose speech synthesizers ** Configure Audio Output ** Manage Jobs * Runs in the System Tray * Integrates with most KDE applications ** Speak text from clipboard ** Speak all or sections of text file in '''Kate''' ** Speak all or sections of HTML page in '''Konqueror''' ** Can be used for notifications ('''KNotify''')
== Description ==
The KDE ''Text-To-Speech System'' '''{{Jovie}}''' is an application that can run in the background to provide speech output of text throughout the desktop. It integrates with many applications and is simple to use.
== Setup ==
Once installed you can start '''{{Jovie}}''' by going to your applications menu and under <menuchoice>Utilites</menuchoice> open <menuchoice>jovie</menuchoice>. Or just start '''KRunner''' <keycap>Alt+F2</keycap> and run {{Input|1=jovie}}. '''{{Jovie}}''' is not initially setup and you will need to do this before using its speaking abilities.
{{Note|You can also access the configuration from System Settings}}
The first step is to make sure you have a compatible speech engine installed. The following synthesizers are compatible with '''{{Jovie}}''': '''Festival''', '''Festival Lite (flite)''', '''Hadifix''', '''Epos''', and '''FreeTTS'''. Any engine that can be run from commandline can also be used with '''{{Jovie}}'''.
Now you can continue on and create a ''Talker.'' Select the tab <menuchoice>Talker</menuchoice> from the <menuchoice>Text-to-Speech Control Module</menuchoice> and click <menuchoice>Add</menuchoice>.
Select which language and synthesizer to use. You will need to have a voice installed to use '''Festival''', you can configure this afterwards by selecting the <menuchoice>Edit</menuchoice> button. '''{{Jovie}}''' should now be setup and you can test it by selecting <menuchoice>Edit</menuchoice> and then <menuchoice>Test</menuchoice>.
=== Configuration ===
To configure the speaker's voice, volume, speed, and pitch go to the <menuchoice>Talkers</menuchoice> tab and click <menuchoice>Edit</menuchoice> on the speaker. A window such as the one in the above screenshot will popup and allow you to configure it. To change the voice you will need to have other voices installed.
== Using {{Jovie}} ==
=== System Tray ===
If enabled in the configuration, '''{{Jovie}}''' will be availabe to you in the ''System Tray''. Right-clicking it will reveal the menu which is straight forward and allows for control of the speech output. [[Image:KTTS-SystemTray.png|400px|center|thumb|]]
Notice the <menuchoice>Speak Clipboard Contents</menuchoice> in the menu, if the application isn't integrated with '''{{Jovie}}''' (Read more about the applications with '''{{Jovie}}''' built-in in the next section) you can copy the text you want spoken, and click <menuchoice>Speak Clipboard Contents</menuchoice> to hear it read.
=== Integration with other Desktop Applications ===
==== Konqueror ====
'''{{Jovie}}''' allows you to speak the text on a web page. In the menu go to <menuchoice>Tools -> Speak Text</menuchoice>. However you may not want to do this because it will also read the HTML headers on the page. Instead highlight the text you want spoken and then select <menuchoice>Speak Text</menuchoice>.
Also note this feature is built into '''Okular''' as well. In the <menuchoice>Tools</menuchoice> menu you will be give two choices <menuchoice>Speak Whole Document</menuchoice> or <menuchoice>Speak Current Page</menuchoice>.
==== Notifications ====
'''{{Jovie}}''' works with any application that uses notifications. To set this up start an application such as '''Konversation''' that uses notifications. In the menu go to <menuchoice>Settings -> Configure Notifications...</menuchoice> [[Image:KTTS-Notification2.png|400px|center|thumb|]]
As you can see you can have various notifications for different events, such as when someone triggers a highlight. By selecting it to speak for this event it will notify you through audio output each time this event happens. Of course you can also have more than one notification.
{{Info|1=If an application doesn't include the ability to speak text remember that you can always highlight and copy text and then use {{Jovie}} to speak your clipboard contents.}}
==== Troubleshooting ====
If '''Jovie''' is silent despite having added a voice, try running the speech-dispatcher configuration tool on the command line.
For more information check out the {{Jovie}} Handbook included with {{Jovie}} or the [http://docs.kde.org/stable/en/kdeaccessibility/jovie/index.html '''Jovie''' handbook].
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