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AllKWin Rules Window Matching
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KWin Rules Window Matching
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==Window Matching==
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The <menuchoice>Window Matching</menuchoice> tab is used to specify the criteria '''KWin''' uses to evaluate whether the rule is applicable for a given window.
* <menuchoice>Window role</menuchoice> - restrict the match to the function of the window (e.g. a ''main window'', a ''chat window'', etc.)
* <menuchoice>Window types</menuchoice> - restrict the match to the type of window: '''Normal Window''', '''Dialog Window''', etc.
* <menuchoice>Machine (hostname)</menuchoice> - restrict the match to the host name associated with the window.
{{Tip|While it's possible to manually enter the above information, the preferred method is to use the <menuchoice>Detect Window Properties</menuchoice> button.}}
{{Note|Both <menuchoice>Exact Match</menuchoice> and <menuchoice>Substring Match</menuchoice> implement case insensitive matching. For example, ''AB'' matches the string ''AB'', ''ab'', ''Ab'' and ''aB''.}}
* <menuchoice>Regular Expression</menuchoice> - Qt's regular expressions are implemented - see [ pattern matching using regular expressions].
The <menuchoice>Detect Window Properties</menuchoice> function simplifies the process of entering the matching-criteria.
# Next, in the <menuchoice>Window matching</menuchoice> tab, set the number of seconds of delay before the <menuchoice>Detect Window Properties</menuchoice> function starts. The default is zero seconds.
# When the mouse-cursor turns to cross-hairs, place it inside the application window (not the title bar) and left-click.
# A new window is presented with information about the selected window. Select the desired fields:
#* '''Secondary class name''' - some applications have a secondary class name. This value can be used to restrict windows by this value.
Click the <menuchoice>OK</menuchoice> button to back-fill the <menuchoice>Window Matching</menuchoice> criteria.
By using a combination of the information, a rule can apply to an entire application (by '''Class''') or a to a specific window '''Type''' within the '''Class''' - say a '''Toolbar'''.
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