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Translation of the wiki page KMid from English (en) to Winaray (war)

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{{MultiBreadCrumbs|1=KsCD}} {{Note|As of August, 2020 this app is unmaintained and no longer released by the KDE community.}}
{{MultiBreadCrumbs|1=KsCD}} {{Note|As of August, 2020 this app is unmaintained and no longer released by the KDE community.}}
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'''A Classic CD Player'''
In the diamond-shaped cluster - * <menuchoice>Forward track</menuchoice>, <menuchoice>backward track</menuchoice>, <menuchoice>stop</menuchoice> and <menuchoice>eject</menuchoice>
On the player screen - * The artist and album names * The time played on the current track * The volume setting
On the wheel - * <menuchoice>Volume control</menuchoice>. Revolving, emulating a volume knob.
In the cluster below the player screen - * <menuchoice>Random</menuchoice>, <menuchoice>Loop</menuchoice>, <menuchoice>Playlist</menuchoice> and <menuchoice>Mute</menuchoice>
<menuchoice>Playlist</menuchoice> opens a new window, listing all the tracks by number, name and length
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