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Translation of the wiki page Kubuntu/Advanced/Repositories from English (en) to বিষ্ণুপ্রিয়া মণিপুরী (bpy)
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Translations:Kubuntu/Advanced/Repositories/Page display title/bpy
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== Managing Repositories ==
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'''How-to:''' Start Muon Discover. Select Sources, Configure Software Sources in the window. Enter your administrative password at the prompt. Left-click the 'Other Software' tab. Left-click the 'Add...' button. Enter the repository address into the text box. The proper format is required, and looks similar to this: <code>deb raring main</code> Left-click the 'OK' button to add the repository. Left-click the 'Close' button. A prompt will appear to update the package list. Muon will now be allowed to find the newly available software.
'''How-to:''' Start Muon Discover. Select Sources, Configure Software Sources in the window. Enter your administrative password at the prompt. Left-click the 'Other Software' tab. Check the appropriate box in the center section of the window to enable a repository. Left-click the 'Close' button. A prompt will appear to update the package list. Muon will now be allowed to find the newly available software.
'''How-to:''' Start Muon Discover. Select Sources, Configure Software Sources in the window. Enter your administrative password at the prompt. Left-click the 'Other Software' tab. Uncheck the appropriate box in the center section of the window to disable a repository. Left-click the 'Close' button. A prompt will appear to update the package list. Muon will now forget the no longer available software.
'''How-to:''' Start Muon Discover. Select Sources, Configure Software Sources in the window. Enter your administrative password at the prompt. Left-click the 'Other Software' tab. Left-click the name of an existing repository in the center section of the window to select it. Left-click the 'Remove' button. Left-click the 'Close' button. A prompt will appear to update the package list. Muon will now forget the no longer available software.
Personal Package Archives allow any person in the Ubuntu community who has committed to observe the [ Ubuntu Code of Conduct] to upload Ubuntu source packages to be built and published as an apt repository by Launchpad. Software from Launchpad's [ Personal Package Archive] (PPA) requires a [ GnuPG] (GPG) key so your system can verify that it's getting the packages from the correct source and that the packages have not been interfered with since they were built. GnuPG is GNU's tool for secure communication and data storage.
'''Important:''' The contents of Personal Package Archives are not checked or monitored. You install software from them at your own risk.
'''How-to:''' Open the Launchpad PPA overview page in your browser. Look for the location of the PPA in the 'Adding this PPA to your system' section.
Open Muon Discover. Select Sources, Configure Software Sources in the window. Enter your administrative password at the prompt. Left-click on the 'Other Software' tab. Left-click the 'Add...' button. Paste the location you got from the PPA's overview page into the text box. Left-click the 'OK' button to add the repository. Left-click the 'Close' button. A prompt will appear to update the package list. Muon will now be allowed to find the newly available software.
'''How-to:''' Visit the Launchpad PPA overview page. Look for the location of the PPA in the 'Adding this PPA to your system' section.
Open a terminal window. Add the PPA to your system by entering this command in the terminal window, replacing Location with the location you got from the PPA's overview page:
<code>sudo add-apt-repository Location</code> Update the package index by entering this command in the terminal window:
<code>sudo apt-get update</code> You can now install software from the PPA.
'''How-to:''' Start Muon Discover. Select Sources, Configure Software Sources in the window. Enter your administrative password at the prompt. Left-click the 'Other Software' tab. Left-click the name of a the PPA in the center section of the window to select it. Left-click the 'Remove' button. Left-click the 'Close' button. A prompt will appear to update the package list. Muon will now forget the no-longer-available software.
'''Note:''' ''If you need to remove not only the PPA repository, but also remove the packages installed from that PPA, and revert to the packages from the official Ubuntu repositories, there is a command line package which will do that: ppa-purge.''
'''How-to:''' In a konsole, type <code>sudo apt-get install ppa-purge</code>. Then, <code>sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory></code> putting in the correct PPA name(s).
If instead you merely wish to remove the PPA using the commandline, then type <code>sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:someppa/ppa</code>
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