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{|class="tablecenter vertical-centered" |[[Image:Kwave_screenshot.png|250px|thumb]]|| '''Sound editor.''' |}
===Main Features===
* Running on a large variety of platforms
* Precompiled packages available for many distributions
* Available for KDE 4
* GUI can be used in SDI, MDI or Tab mode
* 24 Bit Audio Support
* Undo/Redo
* Use of multicore CPUs (SMP, hyperthreading)
* Simple Drag & Drop
* Realtime Pre-Listen for some effects
* Support for multi-track files
* Playback and recording via native ALSA, PulseAudio (or OSS, deprecated)
* Playback via Phonon
* Load and edit-capability for large files (can use virtual memory)
* Reading and auto-repair of damaged wav-files
* Supports multiple windows
* Extendable Plugin interface
* A nice splashscreen
* Some label handling
===Supported File Formats===
* WAV Audio (*.wav)
* Ogg/Opus codec (*.opus)
* Ogg/Vorbis audio (*.ogg)
* MP3-Audio (*.mpga *.mp3) and MPEG Layer1 Audio (*.mpga *.mpg *.mp1) (import through libmad and id3lib, export through external encoders like lame)
* FLAC Audio (*.flac)
* All file types supported by libaudiofile: **AIFF,Amiga,Mac-Audio (*.aifc *.aiff *.aif) **ULAW (Sun)-Audio (*.au *.snd) **Berkeley,IRCAM,Carl Sound Format (*.sf)
* ASCII coded Audio (*.ascii)
* Amplify free
* Fadein and out
* Go to position
* Insert at position
* Lowpass Filter
* Noise
* Normalize
* Notch Filter
* Pitch Shift
* Playback
* Recording
* Reverse
* Silence
* Samplerate
* Sonagram
* Select Range
* Save Blocks
* Volume
* Zero
* (some more will be follow in future)
== Hints, Tips and Troubleshooting ==
Visit [http://kwave.sourceforge.net/ the home page] for more details.
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