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AllPlasma/Public Transport/NewServiceProviders
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Plasma/Public Transport/NewServiceProviders
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Plasma/Public Transport/NewServiceProviders
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== Proposed New Service Providers ==
Translations:Plasma/Public Transport/NewServiceProviders/1/ha
== Proposed New Service Providers ==
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Here you can propose a new service provider, by adding it to the list.
Please add an ''example link that directly shows the departure board'' for a specific stop. Please also add some ''sample stop names'', to easily try out the new service provider. Furthermore you can try to find out how to construct an URL to a departure board for a specific stop (by filling in the stop name somewhere into the url).
Don't forget to add your contact information.
{{Warning|1= If the service provider uses '''ASP''' it most probably won't work. But if you can construct an URL directly to the departure board for a specific stop and time all is fine.}}
=== Proposals ===
{| border="1" cellpadding="3" <!-- |} --> |- ! Status !! Service Provider !! Supported Region !! Link to Departure Board !! Sample Stop Names !! Comments !! Contact
<!-- Use this template to add new proposals, replace all <...> |- valign=top | New || <service-provider-name> || <supported region> || [<link-to-departure-board>] || <sample-stop-names> || <comments> || [mailto:<email> <name>] -->
|- valign=top | '''Problem:''' ASP, cannot construct URLs directly to a departure board || Telargo || Slovenia || [http://bus.talktrack.com/ bus.talktrack.com] || Strelisce || || gojgl under kde-look.org, [mailto:fpuelz@gmx.de Friedrich Pülz]
|- valign=top | New || RATP || France || [http://www.ratp.fr/horaires/fr/ratp/metro/prochains_passages/PP/eglise+de+pantin/5/A www.ratp.fr] || Eglise de Pantin, trocadero, hoche || For local transportation in Paris. the URL construct seems to be, at least for subway <nowiki>http://www.ratp.fr/horaires/fr/ratp/{TypeOfVehicle}/prochains_passages/PP/{stop}/{TransportLine}/{Target}</nowiki> (the Target is the letter A or R). || [mailto:stephane.pontier@free.fr Stéphane Pontier]
|- valign=top | New || Regione Lombardia || Lombardia (Italia) || [http://www.muoversi.regione.lombardia.it/planner/orarioFermata.do] || "MILANO, Crocetta M3", "GESSATE", "COMO" || No direct URL to timetable (if needed, I could make a wrapper on another server as workaround); no real time; it covers everything except airports || [mailto:fraph24@gmail.com Francesco Frassinelli]
|- valign=top | New || Trenitalia || Italia || [http://m.viaggiatreno.it/viaggiatreno/mobile/stazione] || "Milano Centrale", "Venezia Mestre", "Roma Termini" || Trenitalia trains; real time data; no direct URL to timetable (if needed, I could make a wrapper on another server as workaround); direct URL for train details || [mailto:fraph24@gmail.com Francesco Frassinelli]
|- valign=top | New || NTV || Italia || [http://www.italotreno.it/IT/italo/Pagine/default.aspx] || "Milano P.G.", "Roma Tib.", "Torino P. Susa" || High speed train (private competitor); ASP website, but direct URLs are used (for global data, station trains and train detail); real time data; under "Stazioni in tempo reale" there's a complete list of stations served || [mailto:fraph24@gmail.com Francesco Frassinelli]
|- valign=top | New || TFL || London, United Kindom || [http://www.tfl.gov.uk/tfl/livetravelnews/departure-boards/departureboards.aspx?line=bakerloo&mode=tube&station=BST] || "Baker street" || London buses, tube, DLR, overground and river transports; direct URLS; text version always available; real time data; OpenStreetMaps used || [mailto:fraph24@gmail.com Francesco Frassinelli]
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