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Translation of the wiki page Rocs from English (en) to سرائیکی (skr)

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{|class="tablecenter vertical-centered" | [[Image:Rocs 48.png|64px|link=]] | '''Rocs''' is a Graph Theory IDE for everybody interested in designing and analyzing graph algorithms (e.g., lecturers, students, researchers). For all these users, Rocs provides an easy to use visual data structure editor and a powerful scripting engine to write and execute algorithms.<br /> It is part of the [http://edu.kde.org KDE Education Project]. |}
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* Canvas for graph drawing * Automated graphs * Oriented graphs * IDE for graph related programming, using Javascript as it's main language, plus the graph library * Nodes, graphs and edges are extensible from the scripting interface, so you can do anything you want. * Qt Script debugging
* [http://docs.kde.org/development/en/kdeedu/rocs/index.html Rocs Handbook]
[[Category:Education]] [[Category:Science]]
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