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AllSpectacle/Tutorials/Invoking Spectacle with custom shortcuts
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Spectacle/Tutorials/Invoking Spectacle with custom shortcuts
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Spectacle/Tutorials/Invoking Spectacle with custom shortcuts
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The default way to capture your screen to a file is to press the <keycap>PrintScreen</keycap> key. The program [[Special:myLanguage/Spectacle|Spectacle]] will pop up. It allows you to capture
Translations:Spectacle/Tutorials/Invoking Spectacle with custom shortcuts/1/mai
The default way to capture your screen to a file is to press the <keycap>PrintScreen</keycap> key. The program [[Special:myLanguage/Spectacle|Spectacle]] will pop up. It allows you to capture
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* the complete screen * single windows * a rectangular region on the screen
However, some people want their screenshots to be stored without any further interaction. This can be useful during documentation work when you want to do a lot of screenshots without interrupting work. One solution is to set up <keycap>Shift + PrintScreen</keycap> to trigger a screenshot. To do this
* start System Settings, navigate to <menuchoice>Shortcuts</menuchoice> -> <menuchoice>Custom Shortcuts</menuchoice> -> <menuchoice>Take Full Screen Screenshot</menuchoice>
* click on <menuchoice>Trigger</menuchoice> -> <menuchoice>Shortcut</menuchoice> and press <keycap>Shift + PrintScreen</keycap>. Shift+Print should then appears in the button:
[[Image:Spectacle-systemsettings-printscreen.png|center|500px| Setting up Shift + PrintScreen as global shortcut]]
* click on <menuchoice>Apply</menuchoice>
Now whenever you press <keycap>Shift + PrintScreen</keycap> your screen will be saved to your Pictures folder with a timestamp in its name, e.g. {{Path|Screenshot_20190107_224731.png}}.
== More Information ==
* [[Special:myLanguage/System_Settings/Custom_Shortcuts|System Settings/Custom Shortcuts]] * [[Special:myLanguage/Spectacle|Spectacle]]
[[Category:Graphics]] [[Category:Tutorials]]
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