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AllSystem Settings/Language
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Translation of the wiki page System Settings/Language from English (en).

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System Settings/Language
Translations:System Settings/Language/Page display title/kw
System Settings/Language
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In other languages
The language settings, let you configure which language you want to use in Plasma.
The language settings, let you configure which language you want to use in Plasma.
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In other languages
The language at the top is the default language used.
{{Note|You should logout of your session to apply these changes}}
Not all applications are fully translated in all language. If you are fluent in one language, [https://community.kde.org/Get_Involved get involved] and become a [https://community.kde.org/Get_Involved/translation KDE translator].
==More Information==
* [https://docs.kde.org/trunk5/en/kde-workspace/kcontrol/translations/index.html KDE official documentation]
[[Category:Desktop]] [[Category:System]] [[Category:Configuration]]
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