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AllSystem Settings/Plasma Theme
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System Settings/Desktop Theme
Translations:System Settings/Plasma Theme/Page display title/tl
System Settings/Desktop Theme
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This section help you configure the theme of your desktop. This change don't apply to application.
Translations:System Settings/Plasma Theme/1/tl
This section help you configure the theme of your desktop. This change don't apply to application.
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[[File:DesktopTheme.png|500px|center|Desktop Theme settings window]]
In the KDE Store, you can find more desktop themes.
[[File:DesktopThemeStore.png|300px|center|Desktop Theme store]]
==More information==
* [https://docs.kde.org/trunk5/en/kde-workspace/kcontrol/desktopthemedetails/index.html KDE official documentation] * Browse desktop theme on the [https://store.kde.org/browse/cat/104/ KDE Store]
[[Category:Desktop]] [[Category:System]] [[Category:Configuration]]
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