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AllSystem Settings/Splash Screen
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System Settings/Splash Screen
Translations:System Settings/Splash Screen/Page display title/tl
System Settings/Splash Screen
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The splash screen is the small loading screen occurring just after a successful login. The splash screen is displayed during the time, plasma is loading.
Translations:System Settings/Splash Screen/1/tl
The splash screen is the small loading screen occurring just after a successful login. The splash screen is displayed during the time, plasma is loading.
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[[File:SplashScreenTheme.png|500px|center|Splash Screen Theme settings windows]]
You can choose to remove it by selecting none, it can decrease the startup time.
[[File:SplashThemeStore.png|300px|center|Splash Screen Theme store]]
==More information==
* [https://docs.kde.org/trunk5/en/kde-workspace/kcontrol/splashscreen/index.html KDE official documentation] * Browse splash screen theme on the [https://www.opendesktop.org/browse/cat/488/ KDE Store]
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