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Found 11 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h Czech (cs)Pete Daniels (pete guerrillatechsupport.com), screenshots
 h Danish (da)Pete Daniels (pete guerrillatechsupport.com), skærmbilleder
 h German (de)Pete Daniels (pete guerrillatechsupport.com), Screenshots
 h Spanish (es)Pete Daniels (pete guerrillatechsupport.com), capturas de pantalla
 h French (fr)Pete Daniels (pete guerrillatechsupport.com), captures d'écran
 h Galician (gl)Pete Daniels (pete guerrillatechsupport.com), capturas de pantalla.
 h Italian (it)Pete Daniels (pete guerrillatechsupport.com), schermate
 h Japanese (ja)Pete Daniels (pete guerrillatechsupport.com), スクリーンショット
 h Polish (pl)Pete Daniels (pete guerrillatechsupport.com), zrzuty ekranów
 h Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br)Pete Daniels (pete guerrillatechsupport.com), imagens
 h Ukrainian (uk)Pete Daniels (pete guerrillatechsupport.com), знімки вікон