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Found 3 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h Danish (da):Indstil dette i indstillingsmodulet for Phonon. <menuchoice>Indstillinger -> Indstil Amarok... -> Afspilning -> Indstil Phonon</menuchoice>
 h Polish (pl):Skonfiguruj to w ustawieniach modułu ''Phonon'': <menuchoice>Ustawienia -> Konfiguruj -> Odtwarzanie -> Konfiguruj Phonona</menuchoice>.
 h Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br):Configure isto no módulo de configurações do sistema do Phonon. <menuchoice>Configurações -> Configurar o Amarok -> Reprodução -> Configurar o Phonon</menuchoice>