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Found 5 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h Danish (da)'''Amarok''' scanner dine musikfiler når du starter programmet første gang og vil automatisk holde din samling up-to-date, hvis du aktiverer <menuchoice>Indstillinger -> Indstil Amarok... -> Samling -> Overvåg mapper for ændringer</menuchoice>.
 h English (en)'''Amarok''' scans your music files on first startup, and will keep your collection up-to-date automatically, if you chose <menuchoice>Settings -> Configure Amarok -> Collection -> Watch folders for changes</menuchoice>.
 h French (fr)'''Amarok''' parcourt vos fichiers de musique lors de son premier démarrage, puis gardera votre collection à jour automatiquement, si vous avez choisi <menuchoice>Settings -> Configure Amarok -> Collection -> Watch folders for changes</menuchoice>.
 h Polish (pl)'''Amarok''' skanuje Twoje pliki muzyczne przy pierwszym uruchomieniu i automatycznie aktualizuje kolekcję, jeśli wybierzesz opcję <menuchoice>Ustawienia -> Konfiguruj -> Kolekcja -> Śledź zmiany w katalogach</menuchoice>.
 h Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br)O '''Amarok''' analisa os seus arquivos de música ao iniciar pela primeira vez e irá manter a sua coleção atualizada automaticamente, caso escolha a opção <menuchoice>Configurações -> Configurar o Amarok -> Coleção -> Monitorar alterações nas pastas</menuchoice>.