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Found 4 translations.
Name | Current message text |
h Danish (da) | For mere generelle problemer med lyd bør du først tjekke, hvilken Phonon-motor, du bruger i <menuchoice>Indstillinger -> Indstil Amarok... -> Afspilning -> Indstil Phonon -> Motor</menuchoice>. Overvej at skifte til en anden motor; motorer til VLC og GStreamer skulle være tilgængelige i din distribution. Både GStreamer eller VLC anbefales, men hvis din distribution leverer andrer motorer, så undlad at bruge dem. |
h English (en) | For more general sound issues, first check what Phonon backend you are using in <menuchoice>Settings -> Configure Amarok -> Playback -> Configure Phonon -> Backend</menuchoice>. Consider switching to a different backend; VLC and GStreamer backends should be available from your distribution. Both the Gstreamer or VLC backends are recommended, if your distribution is still shipping other backends do not use them. |
h Polish (pl) | Przy różnych problemach z dźwiękiem po pierwsze sprawdź jakiego mechanizmu Phonona używasz <menuchoice>Ustawienia -> Konfiguruj -> Odtwarzanie -> Konfiguruj Phonona -> Backend</menuchoice>. Rozważ przełączenie na inny mechanizm. VLC, GStreamer oraz Xine powinny być dostępne w Twojej dystrybucji, przy czym Xine jest nieco przestarzałe. GStreamer lub VLC są zwykle zalecane. |
h Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br) | Para as questões de som mais genéricas, verifique primeiro qual a infraestrutura do Phonon você está usando em <menuchoice>Configurações -> Configurar o Amarok -> Reprodução -> Configurar o Phonon -> Infraestrutura</menuchoice>. Considere mudar para uma infraestrutura diferente: devem estar disponíveis na sua distribuição o VLC e o GStreamer, sendo ambas recomendadas. Caso sua distribuição ainda forneça outras infraestruturas, não utilize-as. |