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Found 16 translations.
Name | Current message text |
h Catalan (ca) | '''Més informació''': * [ Wikipedia - Dolphin (programari)] * [[Special:myLanguage/Tutorials/File_Management|La guia d'aprenentatge a UserBase per a la gestió de fitxers]] |
h Czech (cs) | '''Více informací''': * [ Wikipedia - Dolphin (software)] * [[Special:myLanguage/Tutorials/File_Management|Návod na správu souborů v UserBase]] |
h Danish (da) | ''Yderligere information'': *[ Wikipedia- Dolphin (software)] * [[Special:MyLanguage/Tutorials/File_Management|Vejlednig til filhåndtering fra UserBase]] |
h German (de) | :''Weitere Informationen'': * [ Wikipedia: Dolphin (KDE)] * [[Special:myLanguage/Tutorials/File_Management|Ausführliche Anleitung zur Benutzung von Dolphin]] |
h Greek (el) | ''Περισσότερες πληροφορίες'': :[ Wikipedia - Dolphin (software)] :[ Road to KDE 4: Dolphin and Konqueror] :[ Ars Technica: A First Look at Dolphin] :[ Youtube - KDE 4 rev 680445 - Dolphin] :[ Introducing KDE 4 Blog - Dolphin] :[[Tutorials/File_Management|The UserBase File Management Tutorial]] |
h English (en) | '''More Information''': * [ Wikipedia - Dolphin (software)] * [[Special:myLanguage/Tutorials/File_Management|The UserBase File Management Tutorial]] |
h Spanish (es) | :''Más información'': ::[ Wikipedia - Dolphin] ::[ Road to KDE 4: Dolphin and Konqueror] ::[ Ars Technica: A First Look at Dolphin] ::[ Youtube - KDE 4 rev 680445 - Dolphin] ::[ Introducing KDE 4 Blog - Dolphin] ::[[Tutorials/File_Management|El tutorial de gestión de archivos de UserBase]] |
h French (fr) | '''Davantage d'information''': * [ Wikipedia - Dolphin (logiciel)] * [[Special:myLanguage/Tutorials/File_Management|Le tutoriel UserBase sur la gestion des fichiers]] |
h Indonesian (id) | :''Informasi lebih lanjut'': * [ Wikipedia - Dolphin (perangkat lunak)] * [[Special:myLanguage/Tutorials/File_Management|Tutorial Pengelolaan Berkas UserBase]] |
h Italian (it) | '''Maggiori informazioni''': * [ Wikipedia - Dolphin] * [[Special:myLanguage/Tutorials/File_Management|Tutorial sulla gestione dei file]] |
h Portuguese (pt) | '''Mais informações''': * [[wikipedia:Dolphin (file manager)|Dolphin na Wikipédia]] * O [[Special:myLanguage/Tutorials/File Management|Tutorial de Gestão de Ficheiros]] aqui na KDE UserBase |
h Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br) | ''Mais informações'': :[ Wikipedia - Dolphin (software)] :[ Road to KDE 4: Dolphin and Konqueror] :[ Ars Technica: A First Look at Dolphin] :[ Youtube - KDE 4 rev 680445 - Dolphin] :[ Blog Introducing KDE 4 - Dolphin] :[[Tutorials/File_Management|Tutorial de gerenciamento de arquivos da UserBase ]] |
h Russian (ru) | :''Дополнительная информация'': ::[файловый_менеджер) Wikipedia - Dolphin] ::[ Путь к KDE 4: Dolphin и Konqueror] ::[ Ars Technica: Первый взгляд на Dolphin] ::[ Youtube - KDE 4 rev 680445 - Dolphin] ::[ Представление KDE 4 Blog - Dolphin] ::[[Special:myLanguage/Tutorials/File_Management|Руководство по управлению файлами на UserBase]] |
h Ukrainian (uk) | '''Докладніше''': * [ Вікіпедія — Dolphin] * [[Special:myLanguage/Tutorials/File_Management|Настанови з керування файлами на UserBase]] |
h Chinese (China) (zh-cn) | :''更多信息'': * [ 维基百科 - Dolphin (software)] * [[Special:myLanguage/Tutorials/File_Management|文件管理器初级使用教程]] |
h Chinese (Taiwan) (zh-tw) | :''更多信息'': * [ 維基百科- Dolphin_(software)] * [[Special:myLanguage/Tutorials/File_Management|UserBase 文件管理教程]] |