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Found 6 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h Danish (da)* [[Special:myLanguage/Kontact/Kontact_Palm_Pre_Sync|Hvordan du synkroniserer din Palm Pre med Kontact og Google Calendar]] (outdated)
 h German (de)* [[Special:myLanguage/Kontact/Kontact_Palm_Pre_Sync|Wie Sie ihr Palm Pre mit Kontact und Google Calendar synchronisieren]] (engl; veraltet)
 h English (en)* [[Special:myLanguage/Kontact/Kontact_Palm_Pre_Sync|How to sync your Palm Pre with Kontact and Google Calendar]] (outdated)
 h French (fr)[[Special:myLanguage/Kontact/Kontact_Palm_Pre_Sync|Synchronisez votre Palm Pre avec Kontact et Google Calendar]] (périmé)
 h Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br)* [[Special:myLanguage/Kontact/Kontact_Palm_Pre_Sync|How to sync your Palm Pre with Kontact and Google Calendar]] (desatualizado)
 h Ukrainian (uk)* [[Special:myLanguage/Kontact/Kontact_Palm_Pre_Sync|Як синхронізувати ваш Palm Pre з Kontact і Календарем Google]] (застаріле)