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Found 7 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h Danish (da)* [http://marble.kde.org/  Marble hjemmeside]
* [http://docs.kde.org/development/en/kdeedu/marble/index.html Marbles håndbog]
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marble_(software) Wikipedia]
 h Greek (el)* [http://marble.kde.org/  Η ιστοσελίδα του Marble]
 h English (en)* [http://marble.kde.org/ Marble website]
* [http://docs.kde.org/development/en/kdeedu/marble/index.html Marble Handbook]
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marble_(software) Wikipedia]
 h Spanish (es)* [http://marble.kde.org/  Página web de Marble]
 h Italian (it)* [http://marble.kde.org/  Pagina principale di Marble]
 h Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br)[http://marble.kde.org/ Website do Marble]
 h Ukrainian (uk)* [http://marble.kde.org/ Сайт Marble]
* [http://docs.kde.org/development/uk/kdeedu/marble/index.html Підручник з Marble]
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marble_(software) Вікіпедія]