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Found 6 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h Danish (da)* Integration med de andre programmer i [[Special:myLanguage/Calligra|Calligra-suiten]]
 h English (en)* Integrates with the other applications in the [[Special:myLanguage/Calligra|Calligra suite]]
 h French (fr)* S'intègre aux autres applications de la [[Special:myLanguage/Calligra|suite Calligra]]
 h Italian (it)* si integra con le altre applicazioni della [[Special:myLanguage/Calligra|suite Calligra]]
 h Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br)* Integrado com outros aplicativos do [[Special:myLanguage/Calligra|Pacote de escritório Calligra]]
 h Ukrainian (uk)* Інтеграція з іншими програмами у [[Special:myLanguage/Calligra|комплексі Calligra]].