Archive talk:Plasma/HowTo/4.3
Creating a screencast is easy - all you need is a steady hand and a lot of patience. If you want to help out with Plasma screencasts, here are some guidelines:
- Use a resolution of 640×480 to produce GIF files with the same dimensions as the original screencasts.
- Make your desktop look like the ones in the other screencasts. This includes panel height, widgets, desktop style, icons in the system tray and wallpaper.
Hint: Most are default settings. In later screencasts I've increased the panel height slightly to make the system tray look nicer (shows both top and bottom borders).
- No unnecessary mouse movements. In the beginning and at the end the mouse pointer should be completely still for about 1 second.
- Smooth mouse movements, not too fast. When clicking it's sometimes nice to hold down the button a little bit longer than usual before releasing.
- Use left click when possible.
- Redo until you're 99.9 % satisfied.
- Follow the name convention: Plasma_howto-[section]-[item].png. See the name of the other screencasts.
For information about how to record the screencasts and some tips, see Record screencasts to animated GIF files.
Suggestions for new HowTos
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Animations that should be redone
Don't forget to state why it needs to be redone!
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