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Revision as of 16:03, 8 December 2010 by Nakov (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Overview == The '''Search playlist ''' in amarok is very powerful, it allows you to search for differend songs and etc.It limits what you can actually see in a view.<br /><br ...")
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The Search playlist in amarok is very powerful, it allows you to search for differend songs and etc.It limits what you can actually see in a view.


Edit Box

When you write something in field the Amarok will search in your Playlist and will mark similar tracks, artists and etc.


The first track that match the current search will be marked.

Search Preferences

This is a small drop down menu, where are options of the search field. You can choose, which types of searching, you want to use in your Search Playlist.There are some check boxes. Mark those of them which you need for search.

Check boxes

CheckBox Description
Tracks When this check box is marked Amarok will search for text from search field between names of the songs.
Albums When this check box is marked Amarok will search for text from search field between names of the Albums in your Playlist.
Artists When mark this box Amarok will search for input text between names of the musician in your Playlist.
Genre When mark this box Amarok will search for input text between genres of tracks.
Composers When this check box is marked Amarok will search for text from search field between names of the composers of tracks in your list.
Rating You'll search between the rating of all songs in your Playlist.
Years When you search between the years of track, Amarok will display those

tracks that match the current search.

Show only matches When this box is marked Amarok will display only the tracks that match the current search.

Show only matches - example