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Revision as of 19:53, 30 September 2012 by MarcusGama (talk | contribs) (Created page with "250px|center|thumb|Adicionando transições")
Apresentações para tela ou impressão, no formato Open Document, é claro

Stage is an easy to use yet still flexible presentation application. You can easily create presentations containing a rich variety of elements, from graphics to text, from charts to images. Stage is extensible through a plugin system, so it is easy to add new effects, new content elements or even new ways of managing your presentation. Because of the integration with Calligra, all the power and flexibility of the Calligra content elements are available to Stage.


  • Use rich text, with bullet points, indentation, spacing, colors, fonts, etc.
  • Set your background with color, gradients, pictures, clip-art, etc.
  • Set many object properties such as background, gradients, pen, shadow, rotation, object specific settings, etc.

Uso de vários slides-mestre

  • Use multiple master slides and switch between them during the presentation
  • Advanced undo/redo
  • Assign effects for animating objects and define effects for changing slides
  • Embed images and clip-art

Criando um slide com uma imagem

  • Organise your presentation with the Slides Overview facility

A página com a visão geral dos slides

  • Play your presentation with effects

Adicionando transições

  • Print to Postscript
  • and much more.
