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轉場負責管理 Kdenlive裡,如何從這一片切換到下一片. 你可以加增很多不同的轉場,經由 Kdenlive's 轉場.


加上轉場之前要考慮, 將兩段短片的重疊一小部分,上片的結尾和下片的開頭重疊。

在時間軸上右鍵點擊重疊的點。選擇 Add Transition 然後選擇打開選單中其中一個轉場。

參閱QuickStart - transition

Transition Tab

If you select the transition in the timeline its properties will appear in the Transition tab. (If this is not visible then use View -> Transitions to add it.)

You should preview your transition to make sure it is running in the direction you expect. For example if it is a dissolve transition and it is running in the correct direction then the first clip should cross dissolve into the second clip. But if it is in the wrong direction the first clip will suddenly disappear (replaced by the second track) it will then fade back in and then it will abruptly jump to second clip. If your transition is in the wrong direction just select Reverse check box in the Transition tab.

How to create transitions with a single click

There is a short cut for creating transitions between two tracks that overlap. If you hover the mouse over the overlaping region on the time line a green triangle will appear. Clicking this adds a dissolve transition between the tracks.


Automatic Transitions

By default new transitions are created as "Automatic Transitions". This means that if you adjust the overlap between the two clips involved in the transition then the length of the transition will automatically adjust to cover the region where the clips overlap.

You can toggle off this feature on a transition by selecting the transition and choosing Automatic Transition from the Clip menu. When Automatic transition is off and you move a clip to change the overlapping region then the length of the transition does not automatically adjust.

List of Transitions

See also Effects and Transitions for an alphabetical list of effects and transitions.

See also alpha operation transitions for a comparison of the various alpha operation type transitions (addition, addition_alpha, alphaatop, alphain, alphaout, alpha over and alphaxor) .

  1. addition
  2. addition_alpha
  3. Affine
  4. alphaatop
  5. alphain
  6. alphaout
  7. alpha over
  8. alphaxor
  9. blend
  10. burn
  11. color_only
  12. Composite
  13. darken
  14. difference
  15. Dissolve
  16. dodge
  17. grain_extract
  18. hardlight
  19. Hue
  20. lighten
  21. multiply
  22. overlay
  23. Regionalize
  24. Saturation
  25. screen
  26. Slide
  27. softlight
  28. UV Map
  29. value
  30. Wipe
  31. Xfade0r


Q: How to add a cross fading effect?

A: Make clips on two tracks overlap in time, then pull the green dot popping-up in the corner of the bottom clip (see Transition).