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From KDE UserBase Wiki
Revision as of 09:55, 18 June 2009 by Markum (talk | contribs)



This aim of this page is to provide information for users, distros, packagers and developers for what is needed to be done for a better experience for people using Firefox in the KDE. Of course KDE has is one well known and good featured Browser Konqueror. But still many users prefer Firefox or use both browsers for different reasons. Some, who have just switched from Windows prefer a familiar browser. Others miss features which Firefox or some of his add-ons have.

However using Firefox in a KDE environment causes is not an overall pleasant experience, because it is not well integrated. There have been efforts and from time to time there are announcements of a qt-port of Firefox, but there does not seem to be a road map or any other signs that this will happen soon.

So this page will provide information for anyone who is interested about what is already possible and can be done by users themselves, packagers or by distros who want to provide a better KDE experience. The aim of this page is also to attract potential developers by collecting all the information what is needed to be done and what is already has been done in order to make their job easier. May be this page can also help to raise funds or to find sponsors by just raising awareness or by active search if someone is up to this effort.

This page was created by a user, so do not expect me to do the magic. There is a need for a coordinated effort and some help.

Join in and help So here are some ideas who YOU can be part of the magic: - Follow related bug reports, forum entries or blogs and provide useful information there and here. - Create a new bug/ wish-reports on Firefox, KDE or at your favourite distro if necessary, link them here and back. - Check out if person who is assigned to the report is really the right person - Get in contact with the people responsible for KDE Firefox integration in distros - Ask for further details, so that a profile of what is needed to be done can be provide on the bug reports and here. - Create a better layout and a style sheet for this page so that the following information can be collected in a useful way - Subscribe related bug or wish reports to the mailinglist (see below) or point me (my email)

General Resources

Mozilla Wiki [Link] on plattform integration, also providing information on some KDE related issues.

Freedesktop [Link], may be useful to find out about issues, which are relevant for Gnome and other desktop environments.

Two mailing lists were created: One for collecting all the information spread over different bug-/wish-reports at different places. Please point me to related reports, I will subscribe them. You can subscribe to the list to keep your self up-to-date here[LINK]. The other list [LINK] was made for users and developers to coordinate and discuss the related issues of KDE Firefox integration centrally.

Issues with the KDE Firefox integration If you have issues or additional information to already described issues please add them to the list or correct the existing information. Please follow the scheme below for naming your issues. Please relate to a KDE4-implementation and Firefox3, because it is unlikely that these issues will be solved there. You can however point to solutions which were made for KDE3 or older versions which may help others to do something similar on the current version.

So here are some ideas who YOU can be part of the magic: - Follow related bug reports, forum entries or blogs and provide useful information there and here. - Create a new bug/ wish-reports on Firefox, KDE or at your favourite distro if necessary, link them here and back. - Check out if person who is assigned to the report is really the right person - Get in contact with the people responsible for KDE Firefox integration in distros - Ask for further details, so that a profile of what is needed to be done can be provide on the bug reports and here. - Create a better layout and a style sheet for this page so that the following information can be collected in a useful way - Subscribe related bug or wish reports to the mailinglist (see below) or point me (my email)

General Resources Mozilla Wiki [Link] on plattform integration, also providing information on some KDE related issues.

Freedesktop [Link], may be useful to find out about issues, which are relevant for Gnome and other desktop environments.

Two mailing lists were created: One for collecting all the information spread over different bug-/wish-reports at different places. Please point me to related reports, I will subscribe them. You can subscribe to the list to keep your self up-to-date here[LINK]. The other list [LINK] was made for users and developers to coordinate and discuss the related issues of KDE Firefox integration centrally.

Issues with the KDE Firefox integration If you have issues or additional information to already described issues please add them to the list or correct the existing information. Please follow the scheme below for naming your issues. Please relate to a KDE4-implementation and Firefox3, because it is unlikely that these issues will be solved there. You can however point to solutions which eady available (yes/no/if so more info)

  • Short problem description
  • Detailed problem description
  • Solution already available (yes/no/if so more info, which distros have integrated in which version)?
  • Workaround for users available (->Links to resources)
  • What is needed to be done (on KDE side/ Firefox side/ possible Firefox plugin, Freedesktop spec?)
  • Links to bug reports concerning the Problem in KDE, Firefox, distros
  • If existing, link to information about related Gnome problem.
  • Who is working on the problem?

Kwallet-Integration missing

  • Firefox should use Kwallet as its password-manager

Firefox should use KDEs Bookmarks


  • Firefox should use KDEs download-manager
  • Until that works Firefox should open Dolphin in its download-manager (when opening the folder where the file was saved).
  • Workaround at the moment: Install http://flashgot.net/ extensions which redirects downloads to KGet


  • Firefox should allow to save feeds in Akregator

Proxy settings

File dialogue

  • Firefox should use KDEs native file dialogues


  • Firefox should use KDEs notification system

-> Initial Extension available -> https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/12196

Fileassocuations for Extensions

  • Extensions in Dolphin should be associated with Firefox, Thunderbird and other mozillabased programms which use them.


Firefox should save the cookies in the same file and use the same settings on (dis)allowing them for a certain page