The detailed feature list and other planned features is shown here.
- Creation of new patterns
- User defined size
- Selection of material type (not yet supported)
- Selection of material color
- Insertion of a multiple background images for tracing
- Importing of various image formats
- Importing options allow
- Limiting the number of colors
- Limiting colors to a specific palette
- Scaling to a finished size
- Cropping of the image
- Support for transparency in images
- Allow the use of fractional stitches
- Editing of existing patterns, Editing tools will include
- Open and filled rectangles
- Open and filled ellipses
- Filled poly-lines
- Painting
- Lines
- Erasing stitches, knots and backstitches
- Color selection from existing stitches
- Swapping two colors
- Replace one color with another
- Text with user defined fonts and sizes
- Cut, copy and paste of rectangular regions. Stitch type and color masks can be used to limit selections. You may also exclude backstitches and knots
- Undo, Redo with full history
- Mirroring, horizontally and vertically. Stitch type and color masks can be used to limit selections. You may also exclude backstitches and knots
- Rotation, 90, 180 and 270 degrees anti clockwise. Stitch type and color masks can be used to limit selections. You may also exclude backstitches and knots
- Resizing of the canvas
- Extend canvas left, top, right, bottom
- Cropping canvas to pattern
- Cropping canvas to selection
- Inserting rows and columns
- Center the pattern on the canvas
- Conversion between floss schemes
- Use of standard floss pallets, DMC, Anchor and Madeira.
- Create customized floss pallets
- Specify the number of threads for stitches and backstitches
- Calibration of floss colors
- Mapping of symbols to flosses
- Create new colors for any floss pallet
- Save / Load current palette
- Use of standard stitches
- Free use of backstitching
- Creation of custom stitches (not yet supported)
- Pattern library manager
- Create new library patterns
- Insert library patterns into a design
- Export selected patterns (not yet supported)
- Import patterns from an external source (not yet supported)
- Drag and drop from the library to the pattern
- Assign key press to patterns for use with the Alphabet tool
- Printing of completed patterns and floss keys with fully customized layouts