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Plan/Manual/Creating ODT Report Templates

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ODT report templates are regular odt files that can be designed using any odt word processor like Calligra Words or LibreOffice Writer. The technique used is to use variables to hold references to the information that shall be fetched from the project. The variables are called User Fields in Writer and can be found under Insert->Field->More Fields->Variables->User Fields. In Words they are called Custom Variables and can be found...


Translated Labels

Translated lables enables us to produce general report templates that can be used in different languages.

Variable Name Variable Value
tr.project Project
tr.manager Manager
tr.schedule Schedule
tr.bcws BCWS
tr.bcwp BCWP
tr.acwp ACWP
tr.spi SPI
tr.cpi SPI

Project Values

Variable Name Variable Value Description
project.name Name The name of the project
project.manager Manager The name of the project manager
project.bcwscost BCWS Cost Cost based Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled
project.bcwpcost BCWP Cost Cost based Budgeted Cost of Work Performed
project.acwpcost ACWP Cost Cost based Actual Cost of Work Performed
project.spicost SPI Cost Cost based Schedule Performance Index
project.cpicost CPI Cost Cost based Cost Performance Index
project.bcwseffort BCWS Effort Effort based Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled
project.bcwpeffort BCWP Effort Effort based Budgeted Cost of Work Performed
project.acwpeffort ACWP Effort Effort based Actual Cost of Work Performed
project.spieffort SPI Effort Effort based Schedule Performance Index
project.cpieffort CPI Effort Effort based Cost Performance Index

Schedule Values

Shows values from current schedule.

Variable Name Variable Value Description
schedule.name Name The name of the schedule
schedule.state State Scheduling state
schedule.direction Name Scheduling direction
Todo The rest of the values


Supported tables:

  • projects
  • tasks
  • taskstatus
  • schedules

To create a table, place a variable just before a table in your template file. The variable name identifies the table and must start with table, e.g. table1. The value of the variable is used to point to the data to be fetched and must be one of the supported tables listed above, e.g taskstatus. You the put variables inside the table cells with name and value from the table below.

Note that the schedules table supports the values as described in Shedule Values above.

The projects, tasks and taskstatus tables supports the following values:

Variable Name Variable Value Description
table name.name Name The name of the task or project
table name.type Type Type of task
table name.responsible Responsible
table name.allocation Allocation
table name.estimatetype Estimate Type
table name.calendar Calendar
table name.estimate Estimate Most likely estimate
table name.optimistic Optimistic Optimistic ratio
table name.pessimistic Pessimistic Pessimistic ratio
table name.risk Risk Risk type
table name.constraint Constraint Type of time constraint
table name.constraintstart Constraint Start
table name.constraintend Constraint End
table name.runingaccount Running Account
table name.startupaccount Startup Account
table name.startupcost Startup Cost
table name.shutdownaccount Shutdown Account
table name.shutdowncost Shutdown Cost
table name.description Description
table name.expected Expected
table name.varianceest Variance (Est)
table name.optimistic Optimistic
table name.pessimistic Pessimistic
table name.starttime Start Time
table name.endtime End Time
table name.earlystart Early Start
table name.earlyfinish Early Finish
table name.latestart Late Start
table name.latefinish Late Finish
table name.positivefloat Positive Float
table name.freefloat Free Float
table name.negativefloat Negative Float
table name.startfloat Start Float
table name.finishfloat Finish Float
table name.assignaments Assignments
table name.duration Duration
table name.variancedur Variance (Dur)
table name.optimisticdur Optimistic (Dur)
table name.pessimisticdur Pessimistic (Dur)
table name.status Status
table name.completion % Completed
table name.plannedeffort Planned Effort
table name.actualeffort Actual Effort
table name.remaningeffort Remaining Effort
table name.plannedcost Planned Cost
table name.actualcost Actual Cost
table name.actualstart Actual Start
table name.started Started
table name.actualfinish Actual Finish
table name.finished Finished
table name.statusnote Status Note
table name.schedulingstatus Scheduling Status
table name.notscheduled Not Scheduled
table name.assignmentmissing Assignment Missing
table name.resourceoverbooked Resource Overbooked
table name.resourceunavailable Resource Unavailable
table name.constrainterror Constraints Error
table name.effortnotmet Effort Not Met
table name.schedulingerror Scheduling Error
table name.wbscode WBS Code
table name.level Node level", "Level
table name.bcws Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled", "BCWS
table name.bcwp Budgeted Cost of Work Performed", "BCWP
table name.acwp Actual Cost of Work Performed", "ACWP
table name.spi Schedule Performance Index", "SPI
table name.cpi Cost Performance Index", "CPI
table name.critical Critical
table name.criticalpath Critical Path
table name.owner Owner
table name.status Status
table name.time Time

Projects Table

Task Status Table

Use by placing a variable with name tableX (X=number) with value taskstatus before the table that shall be filled in. Create a table with an optional header. The header can optionally contain variables. Fill the first row of the table with variables refers the values you want to fetch from the tasskstatus table.

The variable has this format:
Variable: Name: tableX.<column> (X=number) Value: taskstatus
where <column> is a column name

Example: A table with header. The header fetches column names from the taskstatus table.
Variable: Name: table1 Value: taskstatus

Variable Name: table1.name Value: Name This is the header so fetches the header of the column
Variable Name: table1.name Value: Name This is the values so fetches the actual column value

Tasks Table


Use by placing a variable with name chartX (X=number) with value project before the chart that shall be used.

The variable has this format:
Variable: Name: chartX (X=number) Value: project; values=data;
where data is a comma separated list of values to be include in the chart.

Possible values are:

  • bcws effort Budgeted cost of work scheduled, effort based.
  • bcwp effort Budgeted cost of work performed, effort based.
  • acwp effort Actual cost of work performed, effort based.
  • spi effort Schedule performance index, effort based.
  • cpi effort Cost performance index, effort based.
  • bcws cost Budgeted cost of work scheduled, cost based.
  • bcwp cost Budgeted cost of work performed, cost based.
  • acwp cost Actual cost of work performed, cost based.
  • spi cost Schedule performance index, cost based.
  • cpi cost Cost performance index, cost based.


Not supported.