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Kdenlive/Manual/Clip Menu

From KDE UserBase Wiki
Revision as of 22:24, 29 January 2019 by Nicolasoliveira (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==== Marcadores do Item do Menu ====")

Clip Menu

As funções controladas a partir desse menu afetam o clipe selecionado na linha do tempo. Isso está em contraste com as funções Project Menu que afetam os clipes selecionados na Árvore de Projetos.

Marcadores do Item do Menu

The context menu allows you to Add, Edit and Delete Markers

Automatic Transition

When a transition is selected, this menu item allows you toggle the transition to and from Automatic Transition mode.

Split Audio

Selecting this causes the audio portion of a clip to be placed on an audio track in the timeline. The video track and the audio track will be grouped together. This group can be removed using the Timeline ->Ungroup Clips menu option.

Audio Only

Causes Kdenlive to only use the audio portion of the selected clip.

Video Only

Causes Kdenlive to only use the video portion of the selected clip.

Audio and Video

Causes Kdenlive to use both the audio and video of the selected clip.