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Revision as of 10:40, 6 February 2019 by FuzzyBot (talk | contribs) (Updating to match new version of source page)





到了KDE 4.4 中KCron系统设定-> 高阶-> 系统 -> 任务调度 的模组。如果没找到,请检查是否已安装kdeadmin 包。 KDE 4.5 中是在 系统设定-> 系统管理员-> 任务调度 。一些发行版将 KCron单独弄成一个包,所以你得自己找找。

Adding and Modifying tasks

  • Click New Task... to add a new task, or "Modify" to modify an existing task. The Add or modify existing task page will be displayed.
The "Add or modify task" page of SystemSettings
  • Enter the command to be run. Click the folder icon to choose it from a dialog.
  • Enter a comment (optional). This should be descriptive, explaining what the task will do as the command may not always be obvious.
  • Click Enable this task to enable the task to run.
  • Click Run at system bootup to enable the script to run each time the system is booted.
  • Click Run every day to enable the script to run every day. This will automatically select the appropriate options.
  • Using the buttons, choose when the command should be run. Not all parameters are required, those not needed may be left blank.
    • Hours and Minutes are the time of day to run the task, not an interval.
  • When done, click OK. The task will be added and scheduled if enabled.


Click Run Now to run a task immediately after adding or modifying the task.

Removing a task

To completely remove a task, select the task from the list and click the Delete button. This will permanently remove the task.

Environment Variables

Sometimes a task or multiple tasks need a specific variable set, it must be added in the Environment Variables section. The cron utility uses its own environment, system-wide and user-specific variables are not used. Click New Variable to add a new variable definition, or Modify to change an existing variable.

  • The value the variable will contain. This can be a number or string.
  • Enter a brief description of the variable.


  • 全部修改的文件都位于拥有许多文件的/etc/cron目录。
  • 查看现在安装好的cron任务的命令行工具是
    crontab -l

More Information