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Tutorials/Force Transparency And Blur

From KDE UserBase Wiki
Revision as of 11:05, 4 May 2019 by Raitarohikami (talk | contribs) (A short tutorial for how to force blur in plasma 5.)
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For those who care about blur, here is all the info you can get.

1 you want the terminal to be blury from top to bottom. In this case you will need to find some window decorations that are transparent. Obviously you need to make sure the blur is enabled under desktop effects.I don't even use window decorations so can't really recommend a theme for you (achieved that by going to window decorations > edit breeze > overrides > add a rule with the regular expression .*

2. you want all the stuff to be blury. Ok. For that there are 2 ways of doing it. Up to you which one.

2.a install kvantum (you can find it on github). Change to the kvantum widget style in the application style > widget style. Make sure you choose what theme you want under the separate application kvantum engine after you installed. Also you can modify settings there as well. To get blur install some kvantum theme with transparency like materia blur or kvglass and choose that as your current theme. More so, to edit the themes you can for example you can edit the materia colors with something like this sudo sed -i 's/#4285f4/#3daee9/g' MateriaBlur.kvconfig and sudo sed -i 's/#4285f4/#3daee9/g' MateriaBlur.svg which will replace the normal color with the breeze blue. You can do this by also opening a text editor and replace the color as you would normally do.

2.b keep the breeze widget style and theme you are using but instead force transparency on everything.

2.b.1. create a transparency kwin rule > make everything unimportant. Thus it will apply to everything. FORCE the active or inactive opacity to how much you want in the very last tab.

2.b.2. create another rule on top of the first that will be an exclusion rule. Separate window titles with |. So for ex conky|pqiv|plasmashell|something. For this one force the opacity to 100%. In case you don't know what window class something has (tho it is usually in the titlebar) you can press ALT+F3 > More actions > Special Window Settings and get the window class or when you create a rule there is a button that will let you click on something to get it's properties (detect window properties).

2.b.3. install the kwin script force blur and give it all the windows you want to have blur. Make sure you also read the instructions for it because you need to run 2 commands to be able to actually edit its options. So pretty much everything under .local/share/applications and /usr/share/applications can be added ernatively you can have a script like this and have it run at startup. The force blur thing does the same thing.

 if [ $(ps --no-header -p $PPID -o comm) =~ '^yakuake|dolphin$' ]; then
   for wid in $(xdotool search --pid $PPID); do
      xprop -f _KDE_NET_WM_BLUR_BEHIND_REGION 32c -set _KDE_NET_WM_BLUR_BEHIND_REGION 0 -id $wid;
 done fi