Phonon makes use of backend libraries to provide sound.
- Phonon-GStreamer: GStreamer is a multimedia library from the GNOME project. Phonon-GStreamer is currently the recommended Kubuntu backend, and under heavy development.
- Phonon-VLC: VLC is a very popular cross-platform media player. This is also under active development, and is receiving a lot of work from both VLC and Phonon developers.
- Phonon-Xine: Formerly the most popular backend for Phonon; now unmaintained, and deprecated.
- Phonon-DS9: Native backend for Microsoft Windows utilizing DirectShow 9.
- Phonon-QT7: This is a native backend for Mac OS X, utilizing QuickTime 7.
- Phonon-MPlayer: This was a third-party backend for Phonon, now unmaintained.
- Phonon-NMM: This is an abandoned and unmaintained backend started by the Graphics Lab at Saarland University and Motama.