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Revision as of 21:01, 22 December 2020 by Wrobelda (talk | contribs) (Initial port of https://kmymoney.org/faq.html)
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How do I compile from Git?

Our installation guide contains all the information about compiling and installing from Git.

Where do I find some more information about OFX parameters?

Here are some external sources which might give your more information: ofxblog and ofxhome.

Why is a transaction shown in red and how can I get rid of the color?

The transaction is shown in red if parts of the amount are not categorized. This is most commonly caused by importing a QIF or OFX file or by downloading statement data online.

So all you have to do is to modify the transaction such that the whole amount of the transaction is assigned to categories.

Why does the QIF import choke on a wrong date format?

The QIF specification does not specify a definite format for dates. Several different formats are used and the format is selected by the source of your QIF file (e.g. your bank). In order to cope with many different date formats, KMyMoney provides 'QIF profiles'. Each profile allows to customize KMyMoney to accept the input data format chosen by the originator of the QIF file.

With respect to dates, KMyMoney supports m/d/y as well as d/m/y formats. 2 digit year info as well as 4 digit year info is also supported. For 2 digit year info some institutions use an apostrophe to identify a certain range of years. Within the date tab of the QIF profile editor you can also select the behaviour of KMyMoney in case of such an apostrophe.

Date Format Meaning
%yy identifies two digit year info
%yyyy identifies four digit year info
%m identifies a numeric month (1-12)
%mmm identifies a short month name (e.g. Jan, Feb)
%d identifies a numeric day (1-31)

Example: If you see a date of 21/3\'03 in your records, select the '%d/%m/%yy' setting. It does not matter if you have a / or an ' preceeding the years. Therfore, '%d/%m%yy' would be the wrong format. If your bank sends you this file for the year 2003 then you probably want to set the apostrophe handling to '2000-2099'. Then the above record would be interpreted to carry the '21st of March 2003' as it's date.

If you picked the wrong date format in the QIF profile, KMyMoney cannot correctly interpret the data and shows error messages. The default in this case is to use today's date.

When I start KMyMoney I get a "Malformed URL" error. What's wrong?

Usually the reason for this is that you didn't run `make install` as root. This step actually copies all of the icons, and other files needed by KMyMoney to run properly. If you did run this, make sure you passed the correct prefix to `configure` at the beginning of your compile.

I have mistyped the name of a payee and want to change it in all transaction. Is there a global search/replace?

There is no global search and replace function in KMyMoney. Nevertheless, it is easy to change a payees name: select the Payees view and search the entry with the name you want to change. Enter the new name. Since the transactions only use a reference to the payees record, all transactions now show the new name.

Why is there no translation for 'my' language"

Most likely, the reason is that no one has offered to translate it yet. Translating KDE/QT-based applications is very simple, and does not require any programming skills. If you would like to translate KMyMoney into your language, please post a message to the KMyMoney, and we will give you the details on how you can easily provide a translation for us.

'Speaking of names: where did the "2" come from? Is it KMyMoney or KMyMoney2?'

The name of the app is KMyMoney. The "2" is historical legacy from when the project went from KDE 1 to KDE 2. You can search the mailing list archive for more details.

The Git version is broken! What do I do now?

Usually the reason for this is that one of the developers made a change to the code that requires a clean reconfigure. Please run a \'git pull --rebase\' to update your local repository.

After following these steps carefully, if there is still a problem compiling, please write the KMyMoney Developers List and send in the failed output of "make".

Accounts and categories show a total balance of 0.00 which is wrong. What's going on here?

This is a design problem in the 0.8 branch which has been fixed in the current development version. It will show the total of the account and all its sub-ordinate accounts when the entry in the tree is collapsed. If the entry is expanded, the value shown will be the one of the account without the sub-oridinate accounts included.

Due to design reasons, the fix cannot easily be backported to the 0.8 branch.

Will KMymoney work on my X/Ubuntu desktop?

It will work, but you will have to install the `basic KDE libraries` first, as Xubuntu comes with Gnome libraries by default. If you want to install from Git, you should install build-essential and kdelibs4-dev. The second one will install a ton of other KDE-related packages.

How do I configure file encryption on Windows ?

KMyMoney on Windows uses an embedded copy of GPG to support file encryption. To create a new gpg key pair open a command shell in the bin directory of the kmymoney installation and run: gpg2 --gen-key. Then, in kmymoney settings dialog, enter encryption tab, enable encryption support and choose the just generated gpg key. Now you are ready to save to an encrypted file and load from it. For additional gpg key management see here.

How can I report a bug?

You can report a bug here. You can also browse the mailing list to search for previous discussions of similar bugs.