Starting and closing
Starting Amarok
To start Amarok, either:
- In the KDE menu -> Multimedia section, click on the Amarok entry
- Using Krunner: type Alt+F2 and type amarok
The first time you use Amarok, a First Start User interface will come up asking you to specify where your Music is located. The default location is $HOME/Music.

If you select "No" in this dialog, you will be presented with another one which allows you to select your music folder:

See #Telling_Amarok_where_your_music_files_are_located
Once you have selected the folder where your music is, Amarok will scan the folder and sub-folders, creating the collection. Depending on the number of tracks and the speed of the location this can take some time.
Closing Amarok
If you want to close Amarok:
- Type Ctrl+Q when you are in the Amarok window, or
- Select the "Quit" option in the "Amarok menu, or
- Right-click on the blue wolf icon in the System Tray at the bottom of your screen. You will be presented with the following:

If you close the Amarok window by clicking on the window, Amarok will continue to run in the background and only show the blue wolf icon in the System Tray:

If you log out of your session or shut down your computer without quitting Amarok, some of your settings will not be saved.
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