
From KDE UserBase Wiki
Revision as of 05:46, 10 January 2010 by Qiii2006 (talk | contribs)





qii >>> cat /proc/version
Linux version 2.6.30-ARCH (root@T-POWA-LX) (gcc version 4.4.0 20090630 (prerelease) (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Jul 20 11:20:32 UTC 2009

I have been in touch with the Kopete devs. They plan to completely update their website 'soon'. I propose that we do nothing more about Kopete until that happens, then we can start a complete re-write. The current info was taken from, and was out of date even when I imported it. I'll keep an eye out for the kopete site update and alert you when I start to make changes worth translating. No point in making work for you :-) --annew 10:35, 23 October 2009 (UTC)

     ok.--Qiii2006 06:07, 24 October 2009 (UTC)

We are exploring ways of making life easier for translators, based on a sandbox wiki for now. I'd like to invite you to join us in testing and evaluation. If you will mail me at [email protected] I'll tell you all about it. --annew 14:14, 8 November 2009 (UTC)

Please read and add your comments to Thanks --annew 19:19, 2 January 2010 (UTC)


为KDE SC 4中所有的PIM (Personal Information Manager 个人信息管理套件)数据设计的数据存储访问机制。单一的存储和检索系统带来了KDE3时无法给与的效率和可扩展性,KDE3下每个PIM组件都是有各自的系统。注意采用Akonadi并不会改变数据的存储格式 (vcard, iCalendar, mbox, maildir 等.) - 它只是提供一种访问和更新数据的新方式。
The main reasons for design and development of Akonadi are of technical nature, e.g. having a unique way to access PIM-data (contacts, calendars, emails..) from different applications (e.g. kmail, kword..), thus eliminating the need to write similar code here and there.
Another goal is to de-couple GUI applications like kmail from the direct access to external resources like mail-servers - which was a major reason for bug-reports/whishes with regard to performance/responsiveness in the past.


KDE SC 4的默认文件管理器。他拥有侧边面板,导航主要依靠主窗口上的『面包屑(breadcrumb)』路径。支持拆分窗口,视图可以单独应用到个别的窗口。可以在侧边面板中挂载和卸载USB设备。Other directories can be added to the Places panel. A Tree view is also possible
维基百科- Dolphin_(software)
Road to KDE 4: Dolphin and Konqueror
Ars Technica: A First Look at Dolphin
Youtube - KDE 4 rev 680445 - Dolphin
Introducing KDE 4 Blog - Dolphin


扩展(Extenders) are a special kind of popup that can grow out of a Plasma panel for example. Extenders have detachable parts. Extenders are a new concept that arrived in Plasma for KDE 4.2. The Kuiserver (the interface that collects all long running jobs and puts them into one window) will make use of extenders so you can detach various jobs and monitor their progress separately.
The Elements of Plasma


Flake是应用在KOffice2上的编程函数库(programming library)。功能上,it provides Shapes to display content and Tools to manipulate content. Shapes can be zoomed or rotated and can be grouped towork as a single Shape, around which text flow is possible.
KOffice Wiki - Flake

一篇有关KDE SC 4中GHNS的文章
这是系统内存放你所有文件的地方。 你可以在这个文件夹之外存放文件,但是所有的程序都设置成建议保存文件到这个文件夹内。 And this is easier, when you are keeping your things here.


KHTML 是KDE Plasma桌面的HTML渲染引擎,被使用在Konqueror浏览器中。它也提供一个KPart以使得所有的KDE程序都能显示网页内容。A new introduction, Qt WebKit is also for Plasma and other application development.


在KDE SC 4(和一些KDE 3新版)里,一个其中的程序按照功能分类的启动菜单。「收藏夹」替换了经典菜单中的「用的最多的程序」,程序可以添加进去。右击同样提供可选项添加程序到桌面上或是面板上。快速访问一个很少用的程序可以使用搜索框。其他的菜单还在开发中,因为在KDE SC 4里可以使用多个启动器,should that be required.
Kickoff Sneak Preview


'Networked Environment for Personalized, Ontology-based Management of Unified Knowledge', Nepomuk aims to remove artificial barriers between information to allow dynamic classification, organisation and presentation of data to the user. Whether downloaded from the internet, received in an email or scribbled in a note, information is globally searchable and tagged with intelligent data. 参见The Semantic Desktop了解有关这个概念的进一步讨论。


氧气(Oxygen)是KDE SC 4默认的主题. Designed to bring 'a breath of fresh air' to the desktop by removing the simplistic, cartoonish icons, and replacing them with a clean theme and photo-realistic icons. Oxygen uses a desaturated palette to avoid the icons becoming a distraction and uses detailed scalable graphics (SVG).


查看Kicker。KDE SC 4 中 'kicker' 这个命名被抛弃了,规范用词是 '面板(panel)', 'Applets' 大部分被 部件(Widget) 取代。


KDE SC 4 中Plasma桌面(直译就是“等离子”) 取代了KDesktop,kicker和superkaramba 部件(widget)引擎。新的小工具(applets)被称作Plasmoids(直译就是“等离子体团”),范围从信息收集部件到迷你程序比如计算机或是字典。Widgets from other sources, such as SuperKaramba widgets or Google Gadgets are also supported.

维基百科 - Qt
Qt 演示视频


KDE SC 4's replacement for KControl (Control Center) providing modular control over the KDE platform.
KDE SC 4 System Settings illustrated


This thread programming library spreads work among multiple-core processors where available, prioritising them before queueing them for execution. ThreadWeaver provides a high-level job interface for multithreaded programming.
Why Multithreading? (技术向的文章)


HTML 渲染引擎,起源于KHTML的一个分支。被Apple采用,用于Safari的开发。Webkit brings the whole functionality back to KDE SC 4, where it is available through Qt.


缩放用户界面(Zooming User Interface)。"By zooming out, users can get an overview of all the object groupings that they have made. These groupings may reflect the projects they are working on, be ways to keep different sets of files organized, etc. By hovering or clicking on one of these groups when zoomed out, users can either get a preview/snapshot of what is in the grouping, or zoom in on that grouping so that it is displayed full size on the physical screen." aseigo.