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幫助 KDE社區
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- 也需要英文文檔的,你可以在這個 UserBase 寫。
Login questions
Q: When I log in to KDE, some programs are/are not started and I want to change this. How can I do this?
A: See Autostart
Keyboard shortcuts
Q: When I take a break, I just want to hit the Break key and the desktop should be locked. How can I achieve this?
A: Open System Settings.
Select Break in this example). Click on . As Command/URL enter
. Click on the Shortcut, type the key you want to associate (/usr/lib64/kde4/libexec/kscreenlocker_greet
Then click on
.Other FAQ pages
General configuration of your workspace
Plasma K~Runner FAQs, hints and tips
Configuration hints and tips for various browsers
Hints and tips for using KDevelop4